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How can I extract 3D features form a stack of 2D images?

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
May am 24 Feb. 2017
Kommentiert: Image Analyst am 21 Mär. 2017
I am conducting a lung nodule detection form CT scan images. I extract the nodule candidates form series of 2D CT images. Then I stack the extracted ROIs to get a 3D image. After that I want to extract 3D features, but I don't know how can I extract the features from 3D directly or from each layers of 2D images. Please kindly suggest me how can I extract 3D features form a stack of 2D images.
srcFiles = dir('R_006S\*.jpg'); % the folder in which images exists
n = length(srcFiles);
a={}; slices={};
for i = 1:n
fileName = strcat('R_006S\',srcFiles(i).name);
a{i} = imread(fileName);
slices{i} = (a{i});
X = cat(3,slices{1:end});
map = hsv(90);
XR = X;
Ds = smooth3(XR);
hiso = patch(isosurface(Ds,5),'FaceColor','green','EdgeColor','none');
hcap = patch(isocaps(XR,5),'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none');
fig = gcf;
fig.Renderer = 'zbuffer';
lighting phong
hcap.AmbientStrength = .6;
hiso.SpecularColorReflectance = 0;
hiso.SpecularExponent = 50;
ax = gca;
ax.View = [215,30];
ax.Box = 'On';
axis tight
title('Original Data');
  2 Kommentare
Massimo Zanetti
Massimo Zanetti am 24 Feb. 2017
Bearbeitet: Massimo Zanetti am 24 Feb. 2017
What do you mean by "exctracting features"? What features are you referrfing to?
PS. In your code there is some redundancy in loading images and making X, consider this to simplify it:
srcFiles = dir('R_006S\*.jpg'); % the folder in which images exists
n = length(srcFiles);
X = zeros(512,512,n);
for i = 1:n
fileName = ['R_006S\',srcFiles(i).name];
X(:,:,i) = imread(fileName);
Now X is your 3D image.
May am 4 Mär. 2017
Thank you for your suggest. I want to extract the shape (round or not), volume, diameter, contrast and stolidity of VOI.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 4 Mär. 2017
Do something (filtering or whatever is needed) to get to a point where you can threshold. Then threshold, label, and call regionprops().

Weitere Antworten (1)

MDanit am 15 Mär. 2017
Could you please provide your full answer here? As I have the same problem.
  4 Kommentare
MDanit am 21 Mär. 2017
Bearbeitet: MDanit am 21 Mär. 2017
Thanks for your comments! Image Analyst, I have different stacks from a single cell and I want to reconstruct the 3d image of cell using those stacks so that I can extract data from its surface in form of (x, y, z). Do you possibly have any idea? Thanks,

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