verify university login not open browser

19 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
km am 23 Feb. 2017
Kommentiert: Tom Mendoza am 27 Jun. 2022
Dear All.
I was trying to install Matlab R2016b onto lubuntu 16.04 LTS. At the "verify university login information" step, the "Click here" not respond (as if it cannot be clicked. Screenshot is shown below) after I clicked it. It does NOT even open my browser. (It works perfectly on my Windonws). I run installer using "sudo ./install". Not sure if anybody has similar problem. Appreciate it if anyone could help me solve the problem. Thanks for your time!

Antworten (14)

Kit Yates
Kit Yates am 7 Sep. 2017
Copy and paste the link to a word processing document like libre office. You should then be able to click on the link or copy the address to a browser.
  15 Kommentare
David Maiden Mueller
David Maiden Mueller am 18 Jun. 2021
Dragging the link from the message window into LibreOffice, then Ctrl + clicking the link in LibreOffice did the trick for me (Ubuntu 20.04).
Antal Horváth
Antal Horváth am 30 Sep. 2021
Direct drag-and-drop of the link did not work for me, but I was able to copy paste the whole text of the prompt, including the link.

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valentino simone
valentino simone am 25 Mär. 2020
Problem solved with R2020a by just dragging the Click Here link into Firefox url bar (in an empty tab), but I guess it should work with any browser...
  6 Kommentare
Akram RAYRI am 20 Jun. 2021
thanks..very efficient
Khanh Do
Khanh Do am 16 Jul. 2021
Nice. Thanks.

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foboo am 15 Mai 2018
Best solution I have so far:
  1. Log into your account on
  2. Go to your licenses, e.g.
  3. Click on your license number
  4. Go to "install and activate"
  5. Click "Activate a computer"
Enter there are the details about your computer / user you want to install MATLAB on (see the help documentation). Then you should be redirected to the activation page of your institution. When having done that, try again installing.
  2 Kommentare
Kristina Sorensen
Kristina Sorensen am 19 Dez. 2019
THIS!!!! This is the answer!!!!
Bernard Beitz
Bernard Beitz am 4 Aug. 2020
This worked for me, too. Thanks!

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km am 26 Feb. 2017
Finally, I have to install Lubuntu 14.04 LTS instead 16.04 to make it work. PS: it works on Ubuntu 16.04 (tested by my friend).
  6 Kommentare
Madita Lungerich
Madita Lungerich am 5 Jul. 2019
Behnam Abaie I love you. Thank you so much. I didn't get the first explanation. Now it worked.
Nilesh Kumar
Nilesh Kumar am 13 Okt. 2019
Thanks, it worked.

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Ahmadreza Alleosfour
Ahmadreza Alleosfour am 4 Apr. 2019
1- log in to your account in MathWorks
2- Click on your licence number
3- Click on Insatall and Activate which is the middle tab
4- Click on Activate to Retrive license File in the Related Tasks menu
5- Then Click on the arrow in the Get Licencse File section or Activate a Computer buttom
Then it asks you to enter your username and password
  3 Kommentare
Tyreis Gatson
Tyreis Gatson am 4 Feb. 2021
Thank you, it worked!
Tom Mendoza
Tom Mendoza am 27 Jun. 2022
worked great remmeber to install net tools on debian use command
ifconfig -a look copy and paste under ether for the mac address

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Steph Frey
Steph Frey am 19 Dez. 2019
If you are copy-and-pasting from the dialog you need to paste it into an editor that handles metadata.
I used LibreOffice, a plain text editor like gedit doesn't work.
  1 Kommentar
James Usevitch
James Usevitch am 2 Feb. 2021
Bearbeitet: James Usevitch am 2 Feb. 2021
Worked for me on Ubuntu 20.04 as of February 2021, but I had to Ctrl+click the link in LibreOffice rather than copy-pasting it. Thanks for this solution!

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Vasanth Kumar V
Vasanth Kumar V am 11 Jul. 2021
just clicking the link with the scroll wheel helped me.
Installed R2021b in Ubuntu 21.04

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 24 Feb. 2017
Call the Mathworks directly for fast and free installation help.
  5 Kommentare
Andrew Wallis
Andrew Wallis am 30 Okt. 2017
Unfortunately, when I try to copy the text, it doesn't preserve the hyperlink. Any other workarounds?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 30 Okt. 2017
Calling the Mathworks for fast and free help is the best workaround for ALL installation problems.

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David Chin
David Chin am 2 Feb. 2020
Try a different browser, I found that the link didn't work on Firefox, but it did on Chromium.
Successfully installed R2019b on Ubuntu 18.04.3.

shaurya am 21 Sep. 2018
After step 4 of foboos's answer, don't do step 5, instead click the related tasks hyperlink called "Activate to Retrieve License File". Then under "Get License File" click the download button. Choose your release and username and automatically here you will be asked to verify your university login. The same message will appear saying "Click here" and click it. It will respond this time. Once you have clicked it will take you to your shibolleth page where you can log in. Once done, return to your GUI installer and rerun it. This time it will not ask for your login.

h chen
h chen am 9 Nov. 2018
An interesting solution is to:
  1. Firstly, on Matlab's website, try to "Activate to Retrieve License File".
  2. You will be asked to "verify university login information" on their website (i.e. a clickable link!)
  3. After you have successfully downloaded that activation file, you can use it to install. But interestingly, I tried the installer again and after login, it never asked me to verify university login information again.

User12399 am 10 Apr. 2019
Bearbeitet: User12399 am 10 Apr. 2019
still an issue in 2019a 2019/04/11.
thank you.
  1 Kommentar
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 10 Apr. 2019
And you called the Mathworks for friendly, fast, and free help and they just threw up their hands and said "We can't help you and will refund your money." like the other answers said? Wow, I'm very surprised they couldn't help you.

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Wufei Ma
Wufei Ma am 13 Apr. 2019
I had the same problem. The way to fix this is to (try to) download the license from your MathWorks account from the browser. You will be asked to verify your university login. You won't have any problem at this step because you are already in a browser. Login in your university portal and activate your license. After that, you can go back to your local installer and try again. You won't be asked to verify your university login again. Hope this helps~

Yurii Pavlenko
Yurii Pavlenko am 9 Nov. 2019
Faced with the same problem. Solution:
1 Go to the MathWorks "My account" and click "License".
2 Click "Install and activate" tab.
3 Click "Deactivate a Computer" link on the "RELATED TASKS"
4 Click "Activate a Computer" button
5 Add PC manually. Host ID for Linux is MAC address of your ethernet interface
6 Start instalation


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