How do I enter the theta symbol?
424 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Ältere Kommentare anzeigen
Josh Blome
am 8 Feb. 2017
Kommentiert: Walter Roberson
am 21 Okt. 2023
How do I enter the Theta symbol?
2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
am 9 Apr. 2023
The way to enter the Theta symbol is going to depend on your operating system, and possibly on your Language and Keyboard preferences.
Often, the easiest way to do it is to find somewhere that already has the symbol you want, and copy and paste it.
- Θ -- uppercase greek letter -- char(920)
- θ -- lowercase greek letter -- char(952)
- 𝜃 -- lowercase italic -- char(120579) (might not be available in your font)
- ϑ -- greek theta symbol -- char(977)
- ϴ -- greek capital theta symbol -- char(1012)
- ᶿ -- modified letter small theta -- char(7615)
And there are about 20 others; see the list at
You can use these characters in MATLAB inside of comments, and inside of character vectors and string() objects. You can potentially include them in plot ticks and labels and titles and text, if you use Interpreter 'none' or Interpreter 'tex' but you cannot use these codes with interpreter 'latex' . Note that whatever font you are using might not support (for example) Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital Theta Symbol, or might lose attributes such as bold or italic.
None of these can be used as variable names in MATLAB (though you can cheat to get them as variables in the Symbolic Toolbox)
Akzeptierte Antwort
Chad Greene
am 8 Feb. 2017
Your question is unclear. Do you mean you want it in a title or a label? Try
xlabel(' this is a theta \theta ')
6 Kommentare
Image Analyst
am 18 Feb. 2021
Where in MATLAB? As a label on a graph? In your source code in the editor window?
Walter Roberson
am 9 Dez. 2021
Greek symbols cannot be used as variable names in MATLAB.
If you are using the Symbolic Toolbox and you are using Livescript, then if you have a symbolic variable that is named the same thing as a Greek character such as theta or Xi, and that variable will be displayed as part of the right hand side (output) of an expression, then the name will be rendered. This will not be done on the left hand side of an assignment.
Weitere Antworten (3)
Neil Henry
am 9 Dez. 2021
I got the theta symbol from the list of greek symbols here: ( ). I think using unicode theta symbol directly will work fine as well.
1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
am 9 Dez. 2021
Unicode characters work in Interpreter None or Interpreter Tex, but not Interpreter Latex
am 21 Okt. 2023
How to write theta double dot in matlab code? pleaaaase!
1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
am 21 Okt. 2023
comb_dia = 776
%the following does not work in the command window but does work in
for c = [950 952 977 1012 7615]
fprintf('%5d --> %c%c\n', c, c, comb_dia);
%the following only works in LiveScript
syms theta__ddot Theta__ddot vartheta__ddot
[theta__ddot Theta__ddot vartheta__ddot]
%the following works in both
title('$\ddot{\theta} or \ddot{\Theta}$', 'interpreter', 'latex')
However, you can never use theta with double dot as a variable at the MATLAB level.
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