continue entering statement in command window

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Kartickeyan V
Kartickeyan V am 29 Jan. 2017
Kommentiert: Jan am 29 Jan. 2017
*When i tried to run this program i am getting a line as continue entering statement in command window and not getting output *
%%Simulation parameters
M = 1 ; frLen = 50; numPackets = 1000; EbNo = 0:2:20;
N = 2; % Number of transmit antennas
rate = 1; inc = N/rate; repFactor = 2;
% Create BPSK mod-demod objects
P = 2; % modulation order
bpskmod = modem.pskmod('M', P, 'SymbolOrder', 'Gray', 'InputType', 'Integer');
bpskdemod = modem.pskdemod(bpskmod);
%%Pre-allocate variables for speed
txEnc = zeros(frLen/rate, N); r = zeros(frLen/rate, M);
H = zeros(frLen/rate, N, M);
z = zeros(frLen, M); z1 = zeros(frLen/N, M); z2 = z1;
error2m = zeros(1, numPackets); BER2m = zeros(1, length(EbNo));
%%Loop over EbNo points
for idx = 1:length(EbNo)
% Loop over the number of packets
for packetIdx = 1:numPackets
data = randint(frLen, 1, P); % data vector per user/channel
tx = modulate(bpskmod, data); % BPSK modulation
% Alamouti Space-Time Block Encoder, G2, full rate
% G2 = [s1 s2; -s2* s1*]
s1 = tx(1:N:end); s2 = tx(2:N:end);
txEnc(1:inc:end, :) = [s1 s2];
txEnc(2:inc:end, :) = [-conj(s2) conj(s1)];
% Create the Rayleigh channel response matrix
H(1:inc:end, :, :) = (randn(frLen/rate/repFactor, N, M) + ...
j*randn(frLen/rate/repFactor, N, M))/sqrt(2);
% held constant for repFactor symbol periods
H(2:inc:end, :, :) = H(1:inc:end, :, :);
% Received signal for each Rx antenna
for i = 1:M
% with power normalization
r(:, i) = awgn(sum(H(:, :, i).*txEnc, 2)/sqrt(N), EbNo(idx));
% Combiner - assume channel response known at Rx
hidx = 1:inc:length(H);
for i = 1:M
z1(:, i) = r(1:inc:end, i).* conj(H(hidx, 1, i)) + ...
conj(r(2:inc:end, i)).* H(hidx, 2, i);
z2(:, i) = r(1:inc:end, i).* conj(H(hidx, 2, i)) - ...
conj(r(2:inc:end, i)).* H(hidx, 1, i);
z(1:N:end, :) = z1; z(2:N:end, :) = z2;
% ML Detector (minimum Euclidean distance)
demod2m = demodulate(bpskdemod, sum(z, 2));
% Determine bit errors
error2m(packetIdx) = biterr(demod2m, data);
end % end of FOR loop for numPackets
% Calculate BER for current idx
BER2m1(idx) = sum(error2m)/(numPackets*frLen);
end % end of for loop for EbNo
semilogy(EbNo, BER2m1,'rd-','Linewidth',1.5);
axis([2 12 10^-4 10^0]);
grid on;
mode = 1;
global m Mt hmodem bit_T
m = 2;
Mt = 4;
Mr = 4;
bit_SMsym = log2(m*Mt); % number of bit per sysmbol
Nbits = bit_SMsym*1e4; % Number of bits to be simulated.
hmodem = modem.pskmod('M',m, 'SymbolOrder', 'Gray','InputType', 'bit');
hdemodem = modem.pskdemod('M', m,'SymbolOrder','Gray','OutputType','bit');
Eac = (mean(hmodem.Constellation .* conj(hmodem.Constellation)));
SNR = 0 : 2 :20; % signal-to-noise ratio in dB
No1= (Eac)*10.^(-SNR/10); % noise variance
ber= zeros (L_SNR,1);
bit_R=zeros(Nbits, 1);
bit_T = randi([0 1],Nbits,1);
[mod_T ante]= SpatialMod();
mod_T = mod_T.';
for ii=1:L_SNR
for j = 1 : size(mod_T ,2)
channel = sqrt(.5)*( randn(Mr,Mt,1) + 1i*randn(Mr,Mt,1));
noise = sqrt(.5)*(randn(Mr , 1) + 1i*randn(Mr , 1))* sqrt(No1(ii));
p = diag(channel'*channel);
switch mode
case 1
y = channel(:,ante(j))*(mod_T(ante(j) ,j)./sqrt(p(ante(j)))) + noise;
z3 = (channel'*y)./p.^.5;
case 2
y = channel(:,ante(j)) * mod_T(ante(j) ,j) + noise ;
z3 = (channel'*y)./p;
[UnUsEdVaRiAbLe_To_IgNoRe, ant_est] = max(abs(z3));
bi_ant = de2bi(ant_est - 1 , log2(Mt) ,'left-msb');
bi_mod = demodulate(hdemodem, z3(ant_est,1) );
bit_R( (j-1)*bit_SMsym+1 : (j-1)*bit_SMsym+bit_SMsym,1) = [bi_ant.' ; bi_mod];
[UnUsEdVaRiAbLe_To_IgNoRe,ber(ii,1)] = biterr(bit_T(:,1),bit_R(:));
axis([2 12 10^-3 10^0]);
legend('MRT over Rayleigh');
title('BER performance of MRT');
grid on;
  1 Kommentar
Jan am 29 Jan. 2017
Please explain the details: When do you see exactly what? What does "a line as continue entering statement" mean? Do you copy this to the command window or is this copied from an M-script file?

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