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Creating a hex array with 4 digit blocks from an array of integers

32 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I am using R2013 and need to convert a large decimal array into hex stings.
The decimal numbers can be any positive integer, and I need to convert each number, then display each as a minimum two byte string with preceding zeros (with more bytes shown as the number increases).
e.g. decimal "1" should show up as '0x0001',
decimal "69876" should show up as '0x0001 0x10F4'
I created a rather cumbersome loop that does this perfectly, but with large arrays it takes too long.
I can get part way to a non-loop implementation with this code:
DecArray = [1 2 4 69876];
cellstr(dec2hex(reshape(DecArray,[],1), 4));
ans =
But as you see the outputs
1) always have the same number of digits, and
2) aren't broken into 2 Byte blocks
Is there any way to go from these results to the ones I described earlier without another loop?
  5 Kommentare
Art am 22 Jan. 2017
Bearbeitet: Art am 22 Jan. 2017
The data can be in 16bit OR 32bit words, so it's just a matter of displaying in the easiest way to read for the data being analyzed. If the dec number is greater than 65535 then it's a 32 bit and should display as such.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 22 Jan. 2017
I dunno. It just seems unlikely to me that the data could vary between 16 and 32 bits on the same plot.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Stephen23 am 21 Jan. 2017
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 21 Jan. 2017
V = [1,2,4,69876];
L = log(16);
for k = 1:numel(V)
N = 4*(1+fix(log(V(k))/L/4));
S = sprintf('%0*X',N,V(k));
Z = sprintf('0x%c%c%c%c ',S)
Prints this in the command window:
Z =
Z =
Z =
Z =
0x0001 0x10F4
Note: does not work for zero: add N = max(4,N)
  1 Kommentar
Art am 21 Jan. 2017
This works great and is much simpler than my old loop. If I can't get Guillaume's answer to work then I will accept this. Thanks!

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Guillaume am 21 Jan. 2017
DecArray = [1 2 4 69876]';
h = arrayfun(@dec2hex, DecArray, 'UniformOutput', false);
cellfun(@(s) strcat('0x', cellstr(reshape([repmat('0', 1, mod(-numel(c), 4)), c], 4, [])')), d, 'UniformOutput', false)
  3 Kommentare
Art am 22 Jan. 2017
I had to substitute h for both d and c, but the output format wasn't quite what I needed.

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