Save a figure as pdf
750 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I have figures and I am using the command below to save it as pdf. Is there any way to save it directly as pdf instead of saving as .ps and convert to .pdf.
print(figure(i), '-append', '-dpsc2', 'E:\');
0 Kommentare
Akzeptierte Antwort
am 12 Nov. 2016
screenposition = get(gcf,'Position');
'PaperPosition',[0 0 screenposition(3:4)],...
print -dpdf -painters epsFig
The first two lines measure the size of your figure (in inches). The next line configures the print paper size to fit the figure size. The last line uses the print command and exports a vector pdf document as the output.
6 Kommentare
Michael Judge
am 9 Apr. 2021
@KSSV, Thank you so much for this. It's going to save me and my group so much time.
Weitere Antworten (3)
Sujay Kadam
am 1 Jul. 2021
Bearbeitet: Eric Sargent
am 20 Dez. 2023
Update: Starting in R2021b, you can use exportgraphics to directly create PDF files containing multiple figures:
% append each of the figures to output.pdf
for i=1:numFigs
exportgraphics(figure(i), 'output.pdf', 'Append', true);
(Original Answer prior to R2021b)
May be this has already been answered somewhere else, but I thought I would share what I usually do for generating plots in pdf format. Run the following code after generating a figure:
clear figure_property;
figure_property.units = 'inches';
figure_property.format = 'pdf';
figure_property.Preview= 'none';
figure_property.Width= '8'; % Figure width on canvas
figure_property.Height= '11'; % Figure height on canvas
figure_property.Units= 'inches';
figure_property.Color= 'rgb';
figure_property.Background= 'w';
figure_property.FixedfontSize= '12';
figure_property.ScaledfontSize= 'auto';
figure_property.FontMode= 'scaled';
figure_property.FontSizeMin= '12';
figure_property.FixedLineWidth= '1';
figure_property.ScaledLineWidth= 'auto';
figure_property.LineMode= 'none';
figure_property.LineWidthMin= '0.1';
figure_property.FontName= 'Times New Roman';% Might want to change this to something that is available
figure_property.FontWeight= 'auto';
figure_property.FontAngle= 'auto';
figure_property.FontEncoding= 'latin1';
figure_property.PSLevel= '3';
figure_property.Renderer= 'painters';
figure_property.Resolution= '600';
figure_property.LineStyleMap= 'none';
figure_property.ApplyStyle= '0';
figure_property.Bounds= 'tight';
figure_property.LockAxes= 'off';
figure_property.LockAxesTicks= 'off';
figure_property.ShowUI= 'off';
figure_property.SeparateText= 'off';
set(chosen_figure,'PaperSize',[str2num(figure_property.Width) str2num(figure_property.Height)]); % Canvas Size
hgexport(gcf,'filename.pdf',figure_property); %Set desired file name
6 Kommentare
Sujay Kadam
am 25 Jul. 2023
You may want to change the values in the following lines:
figure_property.Width= '8'; % Figure width on canvas
figure_property.Height= '11'; % Figure height on canvas
If the width is larger than the height, the resulting plots would have a more horizontal aspect ratio.
For example,
figure_property.Width= '16'; % Figure width on canvas
figure_property.Height= '9'; % Figure height on canvas
would produce plots that would be suitable for a typical computer screen.
Richard Quist
am 11 Dez. 2021
In R2021b and later you can use exportgraphics to directly create PDF files containing multiple figures:
% append each of the figures to output.pdf
for i=1:numFigs
exportgraphics(figure(i), 'output.pdf', 'Append', true);
1 Kommentar
Ramprakash Ananthapadmanaban
am 29 Aug. 2023
'exportgraphics' function works well and even in subplots. Thanks
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Mehr zu Specifying Target for Graphics Output finden Sie in Help Center und File Exchange
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