Orange Color isolate from the image

27 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Arch Man
Arch Man am 9 Okt. 2016
Kommentiert: Image Analyst am 10 Okt. 2016
Hello I am new in Image process can you help me please hoe can I isolate the orange color from the picture and show the orange component?

Antworten (3)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 9 Okt. 2016
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 10 Okt. 2016
Display your image. Turn on the data cursor in the figure toolbar -- it is the one to the left of the paint-brush. Move the cursor to some points that you consider "orange" and notice the RGB values that are shown. Make sure that your code considers those pixels to be "orange".
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 10 Okt. 2016
Here is a site you'll find interesting.
It lets you click on a color in a palette and gives you the various names for it in different languages. Or you can type in the name and see the color and other names for it in other languages:

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Jakub Rysanek
Jakub Rysanek am 9 Okt. 2016
You can define a set of RGB codes that define "orange" color and then apply image thresholding like this:
% Load image from a file
img = imread('photo.jpg');
red_layer = img(:,:,1);
green_layer = img(:,:,2);
blue_layer = img(:,:,3);
% Define RGB code range for orange color
threshold_red = 255;
threshold_green = [130 165];
threshold_blue = 0;
% Apply thresholds
orange_pos = red_layer==threshold_red & ...
green_layer>=threshold_green(1) & ...
green_layer<=threshold_green(2) & ...
orange_pos gives you 0/1 indication of orange color per pixel.
  5 Kommentare
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 10 Okt. 2016
You might have forgot to use [] in imshow(), or your image is not uint8 or in the valid range after your processing.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 10 Okt. 2016
Jakub's definition of "orange" relies upon Red exactly 255 and Blue exactly 0, and Green between 130 and 165. If the "orange" in Izziddin Banimenah's images happened to have Red 254 or Blue 1, then Jakub's code would not find those regions. This is not a bug in Jakub's code: it is a problem with the meaning of "orange" not being specified by Izziddin Banimenah.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 9 Okt. 2016
Try the color thresholder app on the Apps tab of the tool ribbon. Or else see my File Exchange for color segmentation demos.


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