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Projectile Motion Question Help

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Mahome am 27 Sep. 2016
Geschlossen: John D'Errico am 27 Sep. 2016
Ball kicking machine kicked ball with v = 20 m/s, It is intended that the ball lands in the back of a moving truck which has a trunk. If the initial horizontal distance from the back of the truck to the ball, d = 6 m the truck moves directly away from the ball at velocity V = 10 m/s. (note: change in time = 0.01 , gravity= 9.8 m/s^2)
Create a Ball Kicking Machine Function. Then, Use the function to find the angle of ball which will landing in truck while trunk is moving, and plot the bath of ball.
The question came from my mind, trying to improve my skills. I spend more than 5 hr, but i could not solve it in that way which I'm looking for.

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