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Adding corresponding pixels of input images to produce an output image in matlab

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I am writing a function that can take any number of 1D arrays representing coloured images. the output should be a 3D array to represent an image that represents the combined image? how would i write a matlab code that adds corresponding elements together from each of the input images?
For example, if we have 3 images as inputs, pixel 1 from image 1 + pixel 1 from image 2 + pixel 1 from image 3 = pixel 1 in the output image
Thanks :)

Antworten (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 10 Sep. 2016
See my attached demo to average RGB images. Adapt as needed.

Jemal Andeta
Jemal Andeta am 14 Sep. 2018
This answer is not timely, but in case if needed by someone. Thanks!
  2 Kommentare
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 14 Sep. 2018
But you don't need to loop over rows and columns. You can just sum the entire image directly as I did in my answer:
sumImage = sumImage + double(thisImage); % Be sure to cast to double to prevent clipping.

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