i am geeting an error as "??? Input argument "int_H" is undefined.

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
vandana am 8 Jul. 2015
Kommentiert: vandana am 10 Jul. 2015
I post here the function and the line that gives me this error: gas_species_balance.m file
function [C_species] = gas_species_balance(Gen_species, ...
C_species,int_H,int_r, A_r,A_z, v_r,v_z,vol,dt,ep)
relpar_species =1.0;
while err_species>10^-3
if iter_species>100
for i=2:int_H+1
for j=1:int_r
  3 Kommentare
Jan am 8 Jul. 2015
@vandana: I've formatted your code. Please use the "{} Code" button. Thanks.
vandana am 9 Jul. 2015
Hi Jan Simon, I am not getting it.. I have given the full code below... please help

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Jan am 8 Jul. 2015
There are several missing end statements in the code.
10^-3 is an expensive power operation, while 1e-3 is a cheap constant.
Please post (and read) the complete error message. The offending line might contain a call like gas_species_balance(a, b), while the later input arguments are missing.
  3 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 9 Jul. 2015
You have not shown how you are invoking the function. Show the line of code that calls gas_species_balance
vandana am 9 Jul. 2015
code is giving error at the line #13 which I am writing here for i=2:int_H+1 for j=1:int_r
I am invoking the function as in different .m file actuly C_species_CO2=gas_species_balance(Gen_CO2_species,C_species_CO2,A_r,A_z,v_r,v_z,int_r,int_H,vol,dt,ep);

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Thorsten am 9 Jul. 2015
Bearbeitet: Thorsten am 9 Jul. 2015
You have to evoke the function with argument in the same order as you have defined the function. You define the function with H_int as the third argument, but call it with H_int as the 8th argument. Matlab does not match the arguments based on the names of the variables, it just matches the order.
BTW, 11 is quite a high number of arguments. You may want to reduce the number by aggregating variables, like
A(:,:,1) = A_r; A(:,:,2) = A_z;
v(1,:) = v_r; v(2,:) = v_z;
params = [nt_r,int_H,vol,dt,ep];
function(Gen_CO2_species,C_species_CO2, A, v, params)
  1 Kommentar
vandana am 10 Jul. 2015
hi I have evoked the function with arguments in same order as defined function but still facing the same error. I am getting the error at "for" loop only , code is not going upto the line where I am evoking the function

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