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finding vectors row posing in the matrix contain

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Mohamuud hassan
Mohamuud hassan am 18 Mai 2015
Geschlossen: MATLAB Answer Bot am 20 Aug. 2021
hello every; till now i have one problem which is : i have a vector called X which contains 13 characters.
also i have matrix which contains 26 row and 26 column. 26*26 my question is: how i can find from Matrix specially, column one the X's first character and printout row number of that position. then second letter of X vector from the second column of the matrix. then third letter of X vector from the third column of the matrix. until last character of the X vector.
so help me for solving this problem.
  2 Kommentare
Guillaume am 18 Mai 2015
Can you show an actual example of what you want (with a small matrix maybe) or rewrite what you're asking more clearly.
Note that if the cells of the cell array x only contain single characters, then you could just use a plain char array:
x = 'aivheirnmazem';
In all likelyhood, this will make the rest of the code easier.
Mohamuud hassan
Mohamuud hassan am 18 Mai 2015
thank you i solved

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