Finding a pattern in a table and the coordinates of the "first hit"

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Andrew Sol
Andrew Sol am 14 Nov. 2024
Beantwortet: Image Analyst am 14 Nov. 2024
I have a table like this:
'NaN' NaN NaN
'NaN' NaN NaN
'NaN' NaN NaN
'07:02:58.830' 1 NaN
'07:02:58.830' 1 831
'07:02:58.830' 1 NaN
'07:02:58.830' 1 NaN
'07:02:58.830' 1 831
'NaN' NaN NaN
'07:02:59.430' 2 NaN
'07:02:59.430' 2 831
'07:02:59.430' 2 819
'07:02:59.430' 2 819
The first column contains the time in the format X:Y:Z.
What I need: I need to find this pattern in the first column and calculate the coordinates of the first hit.
What the result should look like: in the case of the table in question, the result should be the coordinate of the cell in which this pattern occurs for the first time. In this case, it is [row,col] = [4,1];

Antworten (2)

Sameer am 14 Nov. 2024
Bearbeitet: Sameer am 14 Nov. 2024
To find the first occurrence of a specific pattern in the first column of your table you can create a duration object from a time string ('07:02:58.830') and search for its first occurrence in table's first column using find
Here's how you can do it:
pattern = duration('07:02:58.830', 'Format', 'hh:mm:ss.SSS');
firstColumn = Table{:, 1};
% Find the index of the first occurrence of the pattern
index = find(firstColumn == pattern, 1);
if ~isempty(index)
fprintf('The first occurrence of the pattern is at [row, col] = [%d, %d];\n', index, 1);
fprintf('Pattern not found.\n');
The first occurrence of the pattern is at [row, col] = [4, 1];
Please refer to below MathWorks documentation links:
Hope this helps!
  2 Kommentare
Andrew Sol
Andrew Sol am 14 Nov. 2024
Bearbeitet: Andrew Sol am 14 Nov. 2024
Thank you for your answer! And if the time is unknown in advance and you I to find a time pattern (the time can be any, the main thing is that it is in the format 'hh:mm:ss.SSS'), how will the code change?
In other words: how to find the first occurrence of an arbitrary time of a given format in a table?
Sameer am 14 Nov. 2024
firstColumnStr = cellstr(Table{:, 1});
timePattern = '\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}';
index = find(~cellfun('isempty', regexp(firstColumnStr, timePattern)), 1);
if ~isempty(index)
fprintf('The first occurrence of the time pattern is at [row, col] = [%d, %d];\n', index, 1);
fprintf('Time pattern not found.\n');
The first occurrence of the time pattern is at [row, col] = [4, 1];

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 14 Nov. 2024
Another way is to use ismember
% Load data from .mat file.
S = load('Andrew Table.mat');
t = S.Table;
% Extract first column into it's own variable (optional - just for convenience).
times = t{:, 1}; % This variable is of type "duration".
% Define the pattern we are trying to find
pattern = duration([07,02,58.830])
pattern = duration
% Find the first row where it occurs
[~, matchingRow] = ismember(pattern, times)
matchingRow = 4


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