% under is what i did but seen it is not work for det(A) for find w
clc % clear history command and past result
syms w;
m1 = 1.8;
m2 = 6.3;
m3 = 5.4;
m4 = 22.5;
m5 = 54;
c2 = 10000;
c3 = 500;
c4 = 1500;
c5 = 1100;
k2 = 1*10^8;
k3 = 50*10^3;
k4 = 75*10^3;
k5 = 10*10^3;
% Form of matrix is Ax=b
% Where A is nxn matrix, x is displacement of lumped masses and b is RHS.
A= [0, 0, 0, 0, (m5*w^2)-k5-c5;
0, 0, k4+c4, -k4-c4+(m4*w^2)+k5+c5, -k5+c5;
k2+c2, -k3-c3-k2-c2+(m2*w^2), k3+c3, 0, 0;
-k2-c2+(m1*w^2), k2+c2, 0, 0, 0];
det (A);