How to calculate and display electricity used in a month using fprintf?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Given: A power company charges 6.6 cents per KWH of electricity.
Find: Write a script that prompts the user for the number of KWH's they used in a month. The script should then calculate the total elecericty charge for the month and display it in dollars, with 2 decimals.
I got it figured out :
n = input('How many kWh this month: ');
fprintf('Your charge for 200 kWh will be $%.2f\n', 0.066*n);

Akzeptierte Antwort

Stephen23 am 23 Feb. 2024
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 21 Mär. 2024
Note that the assignment does not require that you also print the number of kWH, only the charge is required:
n = str2double(input('How many kWH this month: ','s'));
fprintf('Your charge will be $%.2f\n', 0.066*n)
  1 Kommentar
Spaceman am 25 Feb. 2024
Bearbeitet: Spaceman am 21 Mär. 2024
Eureka! I overcomplicate everything when it comes to MATLAB for some reason. If you put this in an answer I can accept. :)

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 23 Feb. 2024
KWH = input('How many KWH this month: ');
BILL = 0.066 * KWH;
fprintf('Your charge for %f KWH will be $%.2f\n', KWH, BILL)


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