Solving the system of ODEs and algebraic Equation

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Surendra Ratnu
Surendra Ratnu am 9 Dez. 2023
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 18 Jan. 2024
I am trying to solve the coupled ODE with dependent algebraic equation using RK4 method. I tried with my code below. I want to plot v, w, p, R, u_s and h_r, v/s, t. But I am getting error "Too many input arguments". I tried to figure out the problem for a day but could not able to do. Can anyone point my mistake? Your help will be much aappreciated.
t0 = deg2rad(0);
a = deg2rad(60);
m = 1;
d_j = 0.6;
We = 558;
Re = 87;
b = (-0.13*m^3 + 0.263*m^2 + 0.039*m + 0.330)/tan(a);
%% Initial Conditions for differential equation
u_b0 = 0.1;
p0 = pi/2;
R0 = 0.002*We/b;
s_b0 = 0.02712;
%% Estimating Sheet Velocity at theta = 0 (initial sheet velocity)
x = b*cos(t0)*sin(a)^2;
x01 = 4*(1 - (cos(t0)^2)*cos(a)^2);
x02 = (b*sin(t0)*sin(a))^2;
q_j0 = - (x - (x01 - x02)^0.5)/(x01/4);
syms q
d = (b^2*sin(a)^2 + q^2*(1 - cos(t0)^2*cos(a)^2) + 2*b*q*cos(t0)*sin(a)^2)^0.5;
u_j0 = 2*(m-1)*(4*d^2 - 1) + m;
F0 = int(q*u_j0, q, 0, q_j0);
F0 = double(F0);
eq_e = @(u_s) (R0-q_j0)*F0*sin(a)*u_s.^3 +...
(R0.^2+2*R0*sqrt(pi*s_b0)+(16/(sin(a)*3*q_j0.^3*R0*Re))*((R0-q_j0)*F0*sin(a)).^2)*u_s.^2 -...
u_s0 = fsolve(eq_e, 0.5)
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
u_s0 = 0.5589
%% DAE System
syms q t
q_j = (-(b*cos(t)*sin(a)^2)+(1-cos(t)^2*cos(a)^2-(b*sin(t)*sin(a))^2)^0.5)/(1-cos(t)^2*cos(a)^2);
u_j = 2*(m-1)*(4*((q*sin(t))^2 + sin(a)^2*(q*cos(t)+b)^2)-1) + m;
F = matlabFunction(int(q*u_j, q, 0, q_j));
G = matlabFunction(int(q*u_j^3, q, 0, q_j));
t = 0:0.01:pi;
y = zeros(4, length(t));
y(:,1) = [u_b0; s_b0; p0; R0];
%% Solve algebraic equation for u_s
for i = 1:length(t)-1
q_j = (-(b*cos(t(i))*sin(a)^2)+(1-cos(t(i))^2*cos(a)^2-(b*sin(t(i))*sin(a))^2)^0.5)/(1-cos(t(i))^2*cos(a)^2);
S1 = double(F(t(i)));
us_eqs = @(u_s) (y(4,i) - q_j(i))*S1*sin(a)*u_s + (S1*sin(a)).^3*((1/q_j(i).^3) - (1/y(4,i).^3))/(9*u_s) + y(4,i).^2 + 2*y(4,i)*sqrt(pi*y(2,i)) - 4*(y(4,i) - q_j(i))*S1/(q_j(i)*u_s) + (16*sin(a)*S1.^2*(y(4,i) - q_j(i)).^2/(3*q_j(i)*y(4,i)*Re)) + 4*sin(a).^3*S1.^4*(y(4,i) - q_j(i))*(y(4,i).^5-q_j(i).^5)/(15*q_j(i).^7*y(4,i).^5*Re*u_s.^2) - (y(4,i) - q_j(i))*S1*sin(a)/u_s;
u_s = fsolve(us_eqs, 1);
sol = ode45(@(t, y) odesym(t, y, We, Re, F, G, u_s), [t(i) t(i+1)], y(:,i));
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1.

Error in solution>@(u_s)(y(4,i)-q_j(i))*S1*sin(a)*u_s+(S1*sin(a)).^3*((1/q_j(i).^3)-(1/y(4,i).^3))/(9*u_s)+y(4,i).^2+2*y(4,i)*sqrt(pi*y(2,i))-4*(y(4,i)-q_j(i))*S1/(q_j(i)*u_s)+(16*sin(a)*S1.^2*(y(4,i)-q_j(i)).^2/(3*q_j(i)*y(4,i)*Re))+4*sin(a).^3*S1.^4*(y(4,i)-q_j(i))*(y(4,i).^5-q_j(i).^5)/(15*q_j(i).^7*y(4,i).^5*Re*u_s.^2)-(y(4,i)-q_j(i))*S1*sin(a)/u_s (line 46)
us_eqs = @(u_s) (y(4,i) - q_j(i))*S1*sin(a)*u_s + (S1*sin(a)).^3*((1/q_j(i).^3) - (1/y(4,i).^3))/(9*u_s) + y(4,i).^2 + 2*y(4,i)*sqrt(pi*y(2,i)) - 4*(y(4,i) - q_j(i))*S1/(q_j(i)*u_s) + (16*sin(a)*S1.^2*(y(4,i) - q_j(i)).^2/(3*q_j(i)*y(4,i)*Re)) + 4*sin(a).^3*S1.^4*(y(4,i) - q_j(i))*(y(4,i).^5-q_j(i).^5)/(15*q_j(i).^7*y(4,i).^5*Re*u_s.^2) - (y(4,i) - q_j(i))*S1*sin(a)/u_s;

Error in fsolve (line 270)
fuser = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});

Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. FSOLVE cannot continue.
%% Test system if u_s is a constant
% u_s = 1;
% y0 = [u_b0; s_b0; p0; R0];
% [t, y] = ode15s(@(t, y) odesym(t, y, We, Re, F, G, u_s), t, y0);
% for j = 1:4
% subplot(2,2,j)
% plot(t/pi, y(:,j)), grid on
% xlabel('\theta/\pi ')
% end
%% Differential Equations
function dydt = odesym(t, y, We, Re, F, G, u_s)
u_b = y(1);
s_b = y(2);
p = y(3);
R = y(4);
F = F(t);
K = (F^(3/2))/(G(t)^0.5);
F_v = (u_b - u_s*cos(p))/sqrt(s_b/pi)*K/(sin(p)*Re);
dudt = (u_s^2*cos(p)*K - (u_b*u_s*K + F_v))/(u_b*s_b);
dsdt = (2*u_b*u_s*K - (cos(p)*u_s^2*K - F_v))/(u_b^2);
dpdt = (2*R/(We*sin(p)) - sin(p)*u_s^2*K)/(u_b^2*s_b) - 1;
dRdt = R/tan(p);
dydt = [dudt; dsdt; dpdt; dRdt];
  5 Kommentare
John D'Errico
John D'Errico am 9 Dez. 2023
I closed the duplicate question you posted. Note that really, you should be using a tool like ODE15i to solve problems like this, instead of writing your own code. Regardless, there is no need to keep on asking the same question.
Surendra Ratnu
Surendra Ratnu am 10 Dez. 2023
Bearbeitet: Surendra Ratnu am 10 Dez. 2023
@Dyuman Joshi I attached the equation system of ODE and algebraic which want to solve. Here u_b,s_b,phi, R and u_s are the dependent variable and θ is the independ variable and vary from 0 to 180 degree (θ = 0 to 180 degree). α, We, and Re are the constant ( α = 45 degree, We = 277, Re = 75). I want to plot the u_b,s_b,phi,u_s with θ. I tried using ODE15i but the solution is diverse after some value of theta. Any help is appreciate.

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Antworten (1)

Torsten am 10 Dez. 2023
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 10 Dez. 2023
As you can see, your algebraic equation does not seem to have a zero for your initial vector for the other variables.
Further tan(pi/2) = 0 so that you will get an immediate division-by-zero in the equation for R.
y0 = [0.0424*0.0042; 0.0424^2*0.0042; pi/2; 1.7440; 1.0];
us = 0:0.01:10;
for i = 1:numel(us)
dydt = fun(0,[0.0424*0.0042; 0.0424^2*0.0042; pi/2; 1.7440;us(i)]);
fus(i) = dydt(5);
tspan = [0 pi];
M = eye(5);
M(5,5) = 0;
options = odeset('Mass',M);
%[T,Y] = ode15s(fun,tspan,y0,options)
function dydt = fun(t,y)
alpha = deg2rad(45);
We = 277;
Re = 75;
ub = y(2)/y(1);
sb = y(1)/ub;
phi = y(3);
R = y(4);
us = y(5);
q = -(0.3284-(3+0.671*sin(t)^2)^0.5)/(1-0.25*cos(t)^2);
funF = @(Q)Q.*(-4.098*(0.4379+Q*cos(t)).^2+5.464*Q.^2*sin(t)^2+2.049);
funG = @(Q)Q.*(-4.098*(0.4379+Q*cos(t)).^2+5.464*Q.^2*sin(t)^2+2.049).^3;
F = integral(funF,0,q);
G = integral(funG,0,q);
hr = F^1.5/(G^0.5*R);
Fnu = (ub-us*cos(phi))/sqrt(sb/pi) * hr*R/(sin(phi)*Re);
dydt(1) = us*hr*R;
dydt(2) = us^2*hr*R*cos(phi) + Fnu;
dydt(3) = (2*R/(We*sin(phi))- us^2*hr*R*sin(phi))/(ub^2*sb) - 1;
dydt(4) = R/tan(phi);
dydt(5) = (R-q)*us*F*sin(alpha)+F^3*sin(alpha)^3/(9*us)*(1/q-1/R)+(R^2+2*R*sqrt(pi*sb))-...
4*(R-q)*F/(q*us) + 16*sin(alpha)*F^2*(R-q)^2/(3*q^3*R*Re) + ...
4*sin(alpha)^3*F^4*(R-q)*(R^5-q^5)/(15*us^2*q^7*R^5*Re) - (R-q)*sin(alpha)*F/us;
dydt = dydt(:);
  31 Kommentare
Sam Chak
Sam Chak am 18 Jan. 2024
Your insights are valued, yet they appear more as subjective interpretations rather than scientifically substantiated claims. Delving deeper into the analysis of the DAE system through exploration of published technical papers would undoubtedly enrich our understanding.
I look forward to the potential unveiling of new knowledge or breakthroughs from your continued contributions.
Torsten am 18 Jan. 2024
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 18 Jan. 2024
Since one of your DAE_system.m files work (at least technically, I cannot interprete the results) and the other does not, there should be a difference in your equations, shouldn't it ?
And check again the two functions for u_s: they are not equal. I just checked the first term in both
and already found a discrepancy.

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