Use sky colormap in old Matlab version

29 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Ziwen Gu
Ziwen Gu am 18 Okt. 2023
Kommentiert: Ziwen Gu am 18 Okt. 2023
Hello everyone, I want to use colormap "sky" released in Matlab , but my Matlab is an older version. Can someone help give me the parameter to generator this colorbar, or website with source code?

Akzeptierte Antwort

Chunru am 18 Okt. 2023
Copy the following data:
c = sky(256);
for i=1:height(c)
fprintf("%9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n", c(i, :))
0.900000 0.944700 0.974100 0.896471 0.942748 0.973186 0.892941 0.940796 0.972272 0.889412 0.938845 0.971358 0.885882 0.936893 0.970444 0.882353 0.934941 0.969529 0.878824 0.932989 0.968615 0.875294 0.931038 0.967701 0.871765 0.929086 0.966787 0.868235 0.927134 0.965873 0.864706 0.925182 0.964959 0.861176 0.923231 0.964045 0.857647 0.921279 0.963131 0.854118 0.919327 0.962216 0.850588 0.917375 0.961302 0.847059 0.915424 0.960388 0.843529 0.913472 0.959474 0.840000 0.911520 0.958560 0.836471 0.909568 0.957646 0.832941 0.907616 0.956732 0.829412 0.905665 0.955818 0.825882 0.903713 0.954904 0.822353 0.901761 0.953989 0.818824 0.899809 0.953075 0.815294 0.897858 0.952161 0.811765 0.895906 0.951247 0.808235 0.893954 0.950333 0.804706 0.892002 0.949419 0.801176 0.890051 0.948505 0.797647 0.888099 0.947591 0.794118 0.886147 0.946676 0.790588 0.884195 0.945762 0.787059 0.882244 0.944848 0.783529 0.880292 0.943934 0.780000 0.878340 0.943020 0.776471 0.876388 0.942106 0.772941 0.874436 0.941192 0.769412 0.872485 0.940278 0.765882 0.870533 0.939364 0.762353 0.868581 0.938449 0.758824 0.866629 0.937535 0.755294 0.864678 0.936621 0.751765 0.862726 0.935707 0.748235 0.860774 0.934793 0.744706 0.858822 0.933879 0.741176 0.856871 0.932965 0.737647 0.854919 0.932051 0.734118 0.852967 0.931136 0.730588 0.851015 0.930222 0.727059 0.849064 0.929308 0.723529 0.847112 0.928394 0.720000 0.845160 0.927480 0.716471 0.843208 0.926566 0.712941 0.841256 0.925652 0.709412 0.839305 0.924738 0.705882 0.837353 0.923824 0.702353 0.835401 0.922909 0.698824 0.833449 0.921995 0.695294 0.831498 0.921081 0.691765 0.829546 0.920167 0.688235 0.827594 0.919253 0.684706 0.825642 0.918339 0.681176 0.823691 0.917425 0.677647 0.821739 0.916511 0.674118 0.819787 0.915596 0.670588 0.817835 0.914682 0.667059 0.815884 0.913768 0.663529 0.813932 0.912854 0.660000 0.811980 0.911940 0.656471 0.810028 0.911026 0.652941 0.808076 0.910112 0.649412 0.806125 0.909198 0.645882 0.804173 0.908284 0.642353 0.802221 0.907369 0.638824 0.800269 0.906455 0.635294 0.798318 0.905541 0.631765 0.796366 0.904627 0.628235 0.794414 0.903713 0.624706 0.792462 0.902799 0.621176 0.790511 0.901885 0.617647 0.788559 0.900971 0.614118 0.786607 0.900056 0.610588 0.784655 0.899142 0.607059 0.782704 0.898228 0.603529 0.780752 0.897314 0.600000 0.778800 0.896400 0.596471 0.776848 0.895486 0.592941 0.774896 0.894572 0.589412 0.772945 0.893658 0.585882 0.770993 0.892744 0.582353 0.769041 0.891829 0.578824 0.767089 0.890915 0.575294 0.765138 0.890001 0.571765 0.763186 0.889087 0.568235 0.761234 0.888173 0.564706 0.759282 0.887259 0.561176 0.757331 0.886345 0.557647 0.755379 0.885431 0.554118 0.753427 0.884516 0.550588 0.751475 0.883602 0.547059 0.749524 0.882688 0.543529 0.747572 0.881774 0.540000 0.745620 0.880860 0.536471 0.743668 0.879946 0.532941 0.741716 0.879032 0.529412 0.739765 0.878118 0.525882 0.737813 0.877204 0.522353 0.735861 0.876289 0.518824 0.733909 0.875375 0.515294 0.731958 0.874461 0.511765 0.730006 0.873547 0.508235 0.728054 0.872633 0.504706 0.726102 0.871719 0.501176 0.724151 0.870805 0.497647 0.722199 0.869891 0.494118 0.720247 0.868976 0.490588 0.718295 0.868062 0.487059 0.716344 0.867148 0.483529 0.714392 0.866234 0.480000 0.712440 0.865320 0.476471 0.710488 0.864406 0.472941 0.708536 0.863492 0.469412 0.706585 0.862578 0.465882 0.704633 0.861664 0.462353 0.702681 0.860749 0.458824 0.700729 0.859835 0.455294 0.698778 0.858921 0.451765 0.696826 0.858007 0.448235 0.694874 0.857093 0.444706 0.692922 0.856179 0.441176 0.690971 0.855265 0.437647 0.689019 0.854351 0.434118 0.687067 0.853436 0.430588 0.685115 0.852522 0.427059 0.683164 0.851608 0.423529 0.681212 0.850694 0.420000 0.679260 0.849780 0.416471 0.677308 0.848866 0.412941 0.675356 0.847952 0.409412 0.673405 0.847038 0.405882 0.671453 0.846124 0.402353 0.669501 0.845209 0.398824 0.667549 0.844295 0.395294 0.665598 0.843381 0.391765 0.663646 0.842467 0.388235 0.661694 0.841553 0.384706 0.659742 0.840639 0.381176 0.657791 0.839725 0.377647 0.655839 0.838811 0.374118 0.653887 0.837896 0.370588 0.651935 0.836982 0.367059 0.649984 0.836068 0.363529 0.648032 0.835154 0.360000 0.646080 0.834240 0.356471 0.644128 0.833326 0.352941 0.642176 0.832412 0.349412 0.640225 0.831498 0.345882 0.638273 0.830584 0.342353 0.636321 0.829669 0.338824 0.634369 0.828755 0.335294 0.632418 0.827841 0.331765 0.630466 0.826927 0.328235 0.628514 0.826013 0.324706 0.626562 0.825099 0.321176 0.624611 0.824185 0.317647 0.622659 0.823271 0.314118 0.620707 0.822356 0.310588 0.618755 0.821442 0.307059 0.616804 0.820528 0.303529 0.614852 0.819614 0.300000 0.612900 0.818700 0.296471 0.610948 0.817786 0.292941 0.608996 0.816872 0.289412 0.607045 0.815958 0.285882 0.605093 0.815044 0.282353 0.603141 0.814129 0.278824 0.601189 0.813215 0.275294 0.599238 0.812301 0.271765 0.597286 0.811387 0.268235 0.595334 0.810473 0.264706 0.593382 0.809559 0.261176 0.591431 0.808645 0.257647 0.589479 0.807731 0.254118 0.587527 0.806816 0.250588 0.585575 0.805902 0.247059 0.583624 0.804988 0.243529 0.581672 0.804074 0.240000 0.579720 0.803160 0.236471 0.577768 0.802246 0.232941 0.575816 0.801332 0.229412 0.573865 0.800418 0.225882 0.571913 0.799504 0.222353 0.569961 0.798589 0.218824 0.568009 0.797675 0.215294 0.566058 0.796761 0.211765 0.564106 0.795847 0.208235 0.562154 0.794933 0.204706 0.560202 0.794019 0.201176 0.558251 0.793105 0.197647 0.556299 0.792191 0.194118 0.554347 0.791276 0.190588 0.552395 0.790362 0.187059 0.550444 0.789448 0.183529 0.548492 0.788534 0.180000 0.546540 0.787620 0.176471 0.544588 0.786706 0.172941 0.542636 0.785792 0.169412 0.540685 0.784878 0.165882 0.538733 0.783964 0.162353 0.536781 0.783049 0.158824 0.534829 0.782135 0.155294 0.532878 0.781221 0.151765 0.530926 0.780307 0.148235 0.528974 0.779393 0.144706 0.527022 0.778479 0.141176 0.525071 0.777565 0.137647 0.523119 0.776651 0.134118 0.521167 0.775736 0.130588 0.519215 0.774822 0.127059 0.517264 0.773908 0.123529 0.515312 0.772994 0.120000 0.513360 0.772080 0.116471 0.511408 0.771166 0.112941 0.509456 0.770252 0.109412 0.507505 0.769338 0.105882 0.505553 0.768424 0.102353 0.503601 0.767509 0.098824 0.501649 0.766595 0.095294 0.499698 0.765681 0.091765 0.497746 0.764767 0.088235 0.495794 0.763853 0.084706 0.493842 0.762939 0.081176 0.491891 0.762025 0.077647 0.489939 0.761111 0.074118 0.487987 0.760196 0.070588 0.486035 0.759282 0.067059 0.484084 0.758368 0.063529 0.482132 0.757454 0.060000 0.480180 0.756540 0.056471 0.478228 0.755626 0.052941 0.476276 0.754712 0.049412 0.474325 0.753798 0.045882 0.472373 0.752884 0.042353 0.470421 0.751969 0.038824 0.468469 0.751055 0.035294 0.466518 0.750141 0.031765 0.464566 0.749227 0.028235 0.462614 0.748313 0.024706 0.460662 0.747399 0.021176 0.458711 0.746485 0.017647 0.456759 0.745571 0.014118 0.454807 0.744656 0.010588 0.452855 0.743742 0.007059 0.450904 0.742828 0.003529 0.448952 0.741914 0.000000 0.447000 0.741000
  3 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 18 Okt. 2023
I abstracted the official function and simplified the math slightly to produce my Answer. I suspect that older versions do not have the internal routine used here.
Ziwen Gu
Ziwen Gu am 18 Okt. 2023
Thanks , it works well :)

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 18 Okt. 2023
C = [0, 447/1000, 741/1000];
now for any fraction F between .1 and 1,
subdivide the range .1 to 1 by as many steps as you want in the color map.
  1 Kommentar
Ziwen Gu
Ziwen Gu am 18 Okt. 2023
Grateful for your help! Both of your answers work well

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