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problem with ssc_build to generate custom simscape library

46 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
轩 贾
轩 贾 am 28 Apr. 2023
Kommentiert: Yifeng Tang am 26 Aug. 2024 um 22:10
Hi everyone, I am trying to learn how to make custom simscape blocks.I have written ssc file,and created a new directory (named +gear_
pump) that I added to my Matlab path.Then, I run the ssc_build command to generate my custom library. When run the ssc_build command I get the following error message:
Generating Simulink library 'gear_pump_lib' in the MATLAB package parent directory 'D:\matlab\simscape\' ...
Failed to generate 'gear_pump_lib'
错误使用 feval
函数或变量 'gear_pump.gear_pump' 无法识别。
(translate in English :
Incorrect use of festival
Function or variable 'gear'_ pump.gear_ The 'pump' is not recognized)
  9 Kommentare
Yifeng Tang
Yifeng Tang am 5 Mai 2023
在 +dirname 的上一级目录执行 ssc_build('dirname')
轩 贾
轩 贾 am 6 Mai 2023
>> ssc_build
Generating Simulink library 'custom_library_lib' in the MATLAB package parent directory 'F:\matlab\' ...
Failed to generate 'custom_library_lib'
错误使用 custom_library/gearpump>
No matching signature found for function floor.
Argument 1 = {[1x1 double], 'rad'}
phi = {[1x1 double], 'rad'}
z = 14
真的很麻烦您了。我是这个之后,输入ssc_build,出现了问题,无法generate 'custom_library_lib'。

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Yifeng Tang
Yifeng Tang am 5 Mai 2023
The input to the ssc_build command should be the directory name, instead of the .ssc file name. The directory can contain multiple .ssc files and they'll all be compiled into a custom library. The directory has to be named to start with a "+", but don't include that "+" in the input to ssc_build.
For example, in the screenshot I shared earlier in the comments, you can see I put the .ssc file in the +custom_library folder, then used ssc_build('custom_library') command to compile. Please give it a try and see if that works for you as well. Here is the documentation page explaining the details: See the first example.
Also, in your gear_pump.ssc file, you may need to delete a few /{1,'rad'} in some equations for it to run correctly. Seems like Simscape treats rad as unitless and complains about unit mismatch.
  2 Kommentare
Yifeng Tang
Yifeng Tang am 5 Mai 2023
Attached are the files and library I was able to compile, and a simple test model.
Once your custom model is working, I'd like to encourage you to consider NOT using the Hydraulic domain and instead using the newer Isothermal Liquid domain. The difference and the advantages of the IL domain can be found on the following documentation pages:
Happy modeling.
轩 贾
轩 贾 am 5 Mai 2023
Error compiling Simscape network for model untitled.
确实出现了这个问题,那么 rad弧度单位该怎么替换呢?

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Weitere Antworten (1)

ms z
ms z am 26 Aug. 2024 um 9:24
  1 Kommentar
Yifeng Tang
Yifeng Tang am 26 Aug. 2024 um 22:10
If you used a MATLAB function in your equations session of the .ssc code, the function has to be one on this list:
If you don't think that's the issue, consider ask in a new question and provide more details.

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