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Write a Gauss-Seidel preconditioner for ML

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Nathan Clark
Nathan Clark am 1 Apr. 2023
Bearbeitet: John D'Errico am 1 Apr. 2023
I am having trouble writing a Gauss-Seidel preconditioner for ML. It says "out of memory," ML is actually a vector of 44229 entries on the first column so its a (44229,1) size. A Gauss-Siedel preconditioner is the diagonal plus the lower, but here we only have a vector (ML). So now the G-S preconditioner is the values from ML along the diagonal surrounded by zeros. PLEASE HELP!
%Lumped mass matrix
for i=1:3
for j=1:3
% \int_E phi_i * phi_i dE = A/6 and % \int_E phi_i * phi_j dE = A/12
ML(index(n,j)) = ML(index(n,j))+areas(n)/6;
ML(index(n,j)) = ML(index(n,j))+areas(n)/12;
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% M PRECONDITIONER
[g h] = size(ML);
D = diag(ML);
% b = zeros(g);
% M = D + b;
ML = D^-1.*ML;
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Antworten (1)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico am 1 Apr. 2023
Bearbeitet: John D'Errico am 1 Apr. 2023
Learn what a sparse matrix is. And how to build them, how to use them.
help sparse
SPARSE Create sparse matrix. S = SPARSE(X) converts a sparse or full matrix to sparse form by squeezing out any zero elements. S = sparse(i,j,s,m,n,nzmax) uses vectors i, j, and s to generate an m-by-n sparse matrix such that S(i(k),j(k)) = s(k), with space allocated for nzmax nonzeros. Vectors i, j, and s are all the same length. Any elements of s that are zero are ignored, along with the corresponding values of i and j. Any elements of s that have duplicate values of i and j are added together. The argument s and one of the arguments i or j may be scalars, in which case the scalars are expanded so that the first three arguments all have the same length. S = SPARSE(i,j,s,m,n) where nzmax = length(s). S = SPARSE(i,j,s) where m = max(i) and n = max(j). S = SPARSE(m,n) abbreviates SPARSE([],[],[],m,n,0). This generates the ultimate sparse matrix, an m-by-n all zero matrix. For example, this dissects and then reassembles a sparse matrix: [i,j,s] = find(S); [m,n] = size(S); S = sparse(i,j,s,m,n); So does this, if the last row and column have nonzero entries: [i,j,s] = find(S); S = sparse(i,j,s); All of MATLAB's built-in arithmetic, logical and indexing operations can be applied to sparse matrices, or to mixtures of sparse and full matrices. Operations on sparse matrices return sparse matrices and operations on full matrices return full matrices. In most cases, operations on mixtures of sparse and full matrices return full matrices. The exceptions include situations where the result of a mixed operation is structurally sparse, eg. A .* S is at least as sparse as S. See also ISSPARSE, SPALLOC, SPONES, SPEYE, SPCONVERT, FULL, FIND. Documentation for sparse doc sparse Other uses of sparse codistributed/sparse codistributor2dbc/sparse codistributor1d/sparse gpuArray/sparse
help spdiags
SPDIAGS Sparse matrix formed from diagonals. SPDIAGS, which generalizes the function "diag", deals with three matrices, in various combinations, as both input and output. [B,d] = SPDIAGS(A) extracts all nonzero diagonals from the m-by-n matrix A. B is a min(m,n)-by-p matrix whose columns are the p nonzero diagonals of A. d is a vector of length p whose integer components specify the diagonals in A. B = SPDIAGS(A,d) extracts the diagonals specified by d. A = SPDIAGS(B,d,A) replaces the diagonals of A specified by d with the columns of B. The output is sparse. A = SPDIAGS(B,d,m,n) creates an m-by-n sparse matrix from the columns of B and places them along the diagonals specified by d. Roughly, A, B and d are related by for k = 1:p B(:,k) = diag(A,d(k)) end Example: These commands generate a sparse tridiagonal representation of the classic second difference operator on n points. e = ones(n,1); A = spdiags([e -2*e e], -1:1, n, n) Some elements of B, corresponding to positions "outside" of A, are not actually used. They are not referenced when B is an input and are set to zero when B is an output. See the documentation for an illustration of this behavior. See also DIAG, SPEYE. Documentation for spdiags doc spdiags Other uses of spdiags codistributed/spdiags gpuArray/spdiags
The point being, you don't want to create a FULL matrix of that size. Instead, a diagonal matrix is better built as a sparse matrix.


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