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Identifying ordinal position of an enumerated value

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson am 24 Okt. 2011
is there a function, enum_ordinal for instance that returns an ordinal position of the enuerated value in the enumerated type?
classdef WeekDays
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
temp = 2
  3 Kommentare
Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson am 24 Okt. 2011
Actually I am using enumerated types in StateFlow and use the following to create the enumerated type
Simulink.defineIntEnumType('BasicColors', ...
{'Red', 'Yellow', 'Blue'}, [0;1;2],...
'AddClassNameToEnumNames', true);
I can find the value of an enumeration
BasicColors.Yellow == BasicColors(1)
ans =
but no way to determine the number of enumerations, in this case it should be 3 but size doesn't work just returns the length of the string 'BasicColors'
size BasicColors
ans =
1 11
Any help out there, the help in Matlab seems to be lacking here?
If I could find the number of enumeration values I could loop thru them looking for a match.
Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson am 19 Jan. 2012
ans =

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