How to find percentage of Similarity between two logical matrices

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
The following code calculates the percentage of similarity between the attached logical matrices "c1" and "c2":
row = 168;
col = 390;
% Counting equal elements
equal = c1==c2;
% Number of equal elements
equalCount = sum(equal(:));
similarityPercentage= (equalCount / (row * col) ) * 100;
% Display similarityPercentage
How can I compare the same percentage of similarity only considering the matrix places with "1" values. To note, it's not about counting the number of ones. The aim is to see in which percentage the "1" values appear in both metrices in terms of their number (i.e., quantity) and their position in the respective matrices (i.e., row and col).
P.D., I also calculate the mse values for cross validation.
Many thanks in advance
  1 Kommentar
the cyclist
the cyclist am 25 Jan. 2023
Bearbeitet: the cyclist am 25 Jan. 2023
FYI, you can do your original calculation with this one-liner:
similarityPercentage = mean(c1==c2,"all")*100
I don't completely understand your question, though. Maybe you could use a smaller example, like
c1 = [1 1 1;
0 1 1;
0 0 1];
c2 = [1 0 0;
1 1 0;
1 1 0];
and tell us exactly what you expect the output to be?

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 25 Jan. 2023
Wouldn't it just be
row = 168;
col = 390;
% Counting equal elements
equal = c1==c2;
% Number of equal elements
equalCount = sum(equal(:));
% Count the number of 1's total
oneCount = sum(c1 | c2, 'all')
% Compute the percentage of both having 1 as a fraction of either having 1.
similarityPercentage = (equalCount / oneCount) * 100;
% Display similarityPercentage
or am I missing something?

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