How to get rid of double quotes from cell array

17 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Smithy am 3 Jan. 2023
Kommentiert: Smithy am 4 Jan. 2023
hello, everybody
I would like to get rid of double quotes from cell array. The Output will be cell array without double quotes.
Is it possible to remove it?
% For example I have a 8×1 cell array "exp". How to get rid of double quotes of m and L and c ?
exp = {"m", 10, 20, "L", 0, "c" 0, 0}';
% Output will be cell array of {m, 10, 20, L, 0, c 0, 0}
exp = strrep(exp(:,1),'"',''); % error Occures.
  3 Kommentare
DGM am 3 Jan. 2023
Bearbeitet: DGM am 3 Jan. 2023
It appears you have a mix of strings and numeric scalars. There are no double quotes in the strings. As Stephen says, that's how strings are displayed. Strings are created and displayed using double quotes. Character arrays are created and displayed using single quotes.
mystring = "This string contains -->""<-- one double quote"
mystring = "This string contains -->"<-- one double quote"
mychar = 'This char vector contains -->''<-- one single quote'
mychar = 'This char vector contains -->'<-- one single quote'
Smithy am 4 Jan. 2023
Thank you very much all the comments from Stephen23 and DGM.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Smithy am 4 Jan. 2023
Thank you very much all the comments from Stephen23 and DGM.
Yes, I found out that my data are mixed with strings and numeric scalars, it is just double quotes displaying. (not real)
So I modify the numeric to string using below line. Then the double quotes disappear.
Thank you very much for helpful comments. It gives me huge helps.
exp = cellstr(string(exp));

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