How do I generate a given Matrix in one command?
13 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I have to generate a matrix A = [1 1 0 0 0; 1 1 1 0 0; 0 1 1 1 0; 0 0 1 1 1; 0 0 0 1 1]
writing a single command.
Teacher told as some helpful commands would be
I give you a beer
4 Kommentare
am 25 Feb. 2011
+1: If you can explain how all solutions given here work, you will pass the complete Matlab course based on just one question. Every single answer is funny, but all answers together are serious.
Antworten (17)
am 23 Feb. 2011
Refering to your former post, which has been deleted now: I know also, who you are: you are marciuc.
At first I suggest this:
A = [1 1 0 0 0;1 1 1 0 0;0 1 1 1 0;0 0 1 1 1;0 0 0 1 1]
This is a single command and it is the most efficient solution: No temporary memory, no overhead for calling commnad, and easy to debug. There is no better solution.
Sean de Wolski
am 23 Feb. 2011
Probably the most compact:
A = toeplitz([1 1 0 0 0])
1 Kommentar
am 23 Feb. 2011
This is the most compact command, except for the ambitious RAND apporach. I vote it.
am 23 Feb. 2011
Give the beer to your teacher. He is obviously funny if he suggests RAND - but it really works:
A = round(rand(5))
There is at least a certain chance to get the correct answer.
5 Kommentare
Matt Tearle
am 23 Feb. 2011
A = full(gallery('tridiag',ones(1,4),ones(1,5),ones(1,4)))
But my current favorite:
A = 1-reshape(mod(floor((1:25)/3),2),5,5)
1 Kommentar
Kenneth Eaton
am 28 Feb. 2011
I can't believe no one suggested dilation:
A = imdilate(eye(5),ones(2));
Or convolution:
A = sign(conv2(eye(5),ones(2),'same'));
A = sign(filter2(ones(2),eye(5)));
1 Kommentar
am 23 Feb. 2011
A general method to create a diagonal matrix is using DIAG (as the example in "help diag" explains):
A = diag(ones(1, 5)) + diag(ones(1,4), 1) + diag(ones(1,4), -1);
You can discuss, if this is still "a single command".
I do not drink beer. But you can ask your teacher to send me the points gained by solving this homework.
2 Kommentare
Matt Tearle
am 23 Feb. 2011
You can have all the beer that marciuc's teacher sends me. How's that for a deal?
Paulo Silva
am 23 Feb. 2011
Here's probably the most awesome way to generate the matrix :D
disp('I dare you to try the Infinite monkey matrix')
answer=input('Press y and Enter if your dare to try','s')
if (strcmp(answer,'y'))
disp('Congratulations your are not a coward')
disp('Good luck')
disp('Please wait or press CTRL+C to cancel')
disp('but canceling the operation makes you a coward!!')
a=[1 1 0 0 0; 1 1 1 0 0; 0 1 1 1 0; 0 0 1 1 1; 0 0 0 1 1];
while ~isequal(a,b)
b=randi([0 1],5,5);
disp('Congratulations we found the Infinite monkey matrix for you')
disp('You are a coward!!!!')
1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
am 25 Feb. 2011
EDIT: line-broken per request.
eval(char(mod(1.0599.^ ...
'i<o<ZC<C<d<d<d_C<C<C<d<d_d<C<C<C<d_d<d<C<C<C_d<d<d<C<Cv', ...
1 Kommentar
am 25 Feb. 2011
Thanks for line breaking. This solution will drive marciuc's teacher crazy. Such ugly! +1
am 24 Feb. 2011
I cannot resist to post some variation of the DEC2BIN theme:
A = dec2bin('8<.''#' - 32) - '0'
A = dec2bin('FJ<51' - 46) - '0'
But finally you can even omit the first subtraction, because DEC2BIN operates on CHAR vectors also, but you cannot type the non-printables directly:
q = [100 101 99 50 98 105 110 40 39 24 28 14 7 3 39 41 45 39 48 39];
clipboard('copy', char(q))
==> Ctrl-v in the command window
>> dec2bin('#####')-'0'
Here the '#' are the non-printables with the ASCII codes [24,28,14,7,3]. You can write them even in a M-file.
0 Kommentare
Matt Fig
am 24 Feb. 2011
One line, anyway. And since the array is at least dynamically pre-allocated, the code is fast.
for ii = 5:-1:1,for jj = min(ii+1,5):-1:max(ii-1,1),A(ii,jj) = 1;end,end
2 Kommentare
Matt Fig
am 25 Feb. 2011
LOL Jan. I am surprised that such an answer is faster than both the BSXFUN and EYE + DIAG + DIAG solutions, even for N=1000.
Paulo Silva
am 23 Feb. 2011
It's similar to the Jan solution above
0 Kommentare
am 24 Feb. 2011
1 Kommentar
am 24 Feb. 2011
Please do us the favor and accept one of the answers. Or let your teacher choose one.
Beside the fun, this thread will be really helpful, because it describes the creation of tridiagonal matrices exhaustively.
I really hope you had some fun also.
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