using a variable to call another variable

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Irshad Qureshi
Irshad Qureshi am 16 Sep. 2022
Kommentiert: Irshad Qureshi am 16 Sep. 2022
Hello all,
After doing analysis in some other software I get text files namely Eigen_1.txt, Eigen_2.txt.......Eigen_k.txt and each file is 4x4 matrix. I want to read each file, get the (1,3) value and assign it to variable T1_1, T1_2.......T1,k and then use this value to get omega1_1 and so on. I have used eval command which works fine, but is there any other way to solve this without using eval command.
for n = 1:k
temp = readmatrix(strcat('.\Results\Eigen_',num2str(n),'.txt'),'delimiter',' ');
eval(['omega1_',num2str(n),' = 6.2832/T1_',num2str(n),]);
  4 Kommentare
Irshad Qureshi
Irshad Qureshi am 16 Sep. 2022
thanks, Stephen.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Chunru am 16 Sep. 2022
Bearbeitet: Chunru am 16 Sep. 2022
T1 = zeros(k, 1); % use array instead of T1_, T1_2, ...
omega1 = zeros(k, 1);
for n = 1:k
temp = readmatrix(strcat('.\Results\Eigen_',num2str(n),'.txt'),'delimiter',' ');
% eval(['T1_',num2str(n),'=temp(1,3)']);
% eval(['omega1_',num2str(n),' = 6.2832/T1_',num2str(n),]);
T1(n) = temp(1, 3);
omega1(n) = 2*pi/T1(n);

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