GA - objective and constraints have to run the same expensive function
12 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I'm trying to use GA for a constrained optimisation problem. The issue is that constraint function requires a value that is calculated during the execution of the objective function. In this code snippet, I've kept a dummy fem function.
But in the actual code (Which I can't share), the fem.m function returns the fitness value (needed for objective function) and a displacement value (needed for constraint function).
Is there a way that I can call the function only once? Or somehow store the displacement value and use it while calling the constraint?
fun = @(x) objective(x);
con = @(x) constraint(x);
% dummy number of variables. here taken as 3
lb = [ 0 0 0 ];
ub = [ 100 100 100];
options = optimoptions('ga','Display','iter');
function energy = objective(x)
% expensive finite element function call
[energy, displacement] = fem(x);
function [c,ceq] = constraint(x)
ceq = [];
% need to call expensive fem again
[energy, displacement] = fem(x);
c = [4 - displacement];
%Dummy fem function, in reality not explicit and computationally expensive
function [energy,displacement] = fem(x);
energy = sum(x);
displacement = x(2);
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Antworten (3)
Alan Weiss
am 31 Aug. 2022
This is a difficult problem because of the way that ga calls functions, both fitness and nonlinear constraint. For most solvers, the objective and constraint functions at a point are called right after each other. However, for ga I believe that all of the fitness functions for a population are called together, and all the constraint functions are called together, meaning there is little opportunity to cache these values as done for other solvers in Objective and Nonlinear Constraints in the Same Function or Objective and Constraints Having a Common Function in Serial or Parallel, Problem-Based.
But do you really need to use ga? Have you tried patternsearch, possibly starting from a variety of initial points? Or possibly surrogateopt, which is designed for computationally intensive functions?
Good luck,
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
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Steven Lord
am 31 Aug. 2022
One potential solution would be to memoize your expensive function, pass the memoized function into your objective and constraint function as an additional parameter, and evaluate it using that memoized function.
f = memoize(@expensiveFunction);
y = f(1);
z = f(1);
check = isequal(y, z) % true
function out = expensiveFunction(in)
out = in + 1;
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John D'Errico
am 31 Aug. 2022
Bearbeitet: John D'Errico
am 31 Aug. 2022
I would try memoization.
help memoize
For example, we can use it as in the example below. I've created a function that does little computationally, but all that matters is it will be called only once for a given set of parameters.
myfunmemo = memoize(@myfun);
Now test it out. First, see that myfun does execute when we call it, and it dumps out a comment that it was called, and executed.
However, do the same for myfunmemo.
As you can see, there was only one call made to the origianl function. The second call used the cached value. So if it is terribly expensive to make that call, a memoization will allow you to avoid that repeated call. Note that memoization does work for non-integer arguments.
myfunmemo(pi + (1:10))
myfunmemo(pi + (1:10))
Will memoization cause a problem if the cache grows large? Well, probably so. I assume there will be a quadratic cost penalty associated with memoization, as the cache grows internally. But if the call itself was too costly to be done twice, you may still see a gain.
function Y = myfun(X)
Y = sum(X); % what it does internally is irrelevant.
disp("Initial call for this set of parameters")
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