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How can I the show the solution/results in table form?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Christoppe am 2 Aug. 2022
Kommentiert: Benjamin Kraus am 2 Aug. 2022
Hi! I'm doing a Simpsons 1/3 rule Numerical Methods, How can I show the results each solution in table form before the answer?
x f(x) (Odd or Even) f(x)*(Odd or Even)
-2.00000 0.05399 1.00000 0.05399
-1.55000 0.12001 4.00000 0.48004
-1.10000 0.21785 2.00000 0.43570
-0.65000 0.32297 4.00000 1.29188
-0.20000 0.39104 2.00000 0.78208
0.25000 0.38667 4.00000 1.54668
0.70000 0.31225 2.00000 0.62450
1.15000 0.20594 4.00000 0.82376
1.60000 0.11092 1.00000 0.11092
summation of [f(xi)* (odd or even)] 6.14955
Answer = Sq. Unit
Here;s my code:
eqn= 0.2+(25*x)-(200*x^2)+(675*x^3)-(900*x^4)+(400*x^5)
a= 0
b= 0.8
n= 8
format short
P=input ('Enter the Equation: ','s');
a=input ('Enter the Lower Value Limit: ')
b=input ('Enter the Upper Value Limit: ')
disp('Number of Segments "n" should be Divisible by 2!')
n=input ('Enter the Number of Segments: ')
for i=1:2:n-1
for i=2:2:n-2
fprintf('Integrated Value is %0.4f Sq. Unit', I)

Antworten (1)

Benjamin Kraus
Benjamin Kraus am 2 Aug. 2022
There is still some polish you probably need to make, but here is one approach to displaying your results in a table:
a = 0;
b = 0.8;
n = 8;
f = @(x) 0.2+(25*x)-(200*x^2)+(675*x^3)-(900*x^4)+(400*x^5);
h = round((b-a)/n,4);
odd = 0;
even = 0;
oddOrEven = NaN(n-1,1);
x = NaN(n-1,1);
interc = NaN(n-1,1);
for i = 1:2:n-1
x(i) = round(a+i*h,4);
interc(i) = f(x(i));
odd = round(odd+interc(i),4);
oddOrEven(i) = odd;
for i = 2:2:n-2
x(i) = round(a+i*h,4);
interc(i) = f(x(i));
even = round(even+interc(i),4);
oddOrEven(i) = even;
I = round((h/3)*(f(a)+(4*odd)+(2*even)+f(b)),4);
results = table(x, interc, oddOrEven, interc.*oddOrEven, ...
'VariableNames',{'x','f(x)','(Odd or Even)','f(x)*(Odd or Even)'});
x f(x) (Odd or Even) f(x)*(Odd or Even) ___ _____ _____________ __________________ 0.1 1.289 1.289 1.6615 0.2 1.288 1.288 1.6589 0.3 1.607 2.896 4.6539 0.4 2.456 3.744 9.1953 0.5 3.325 6.221 20.685 0.6 3.464 7.208 24.969 0.7 2.363 8.584 20.284
fprintf('Integrated Value is %0.4f Sq. Unit\n', I)
Integrated Value is 1.6395 Sq. Unit
  2 Kommentare
Christoppe am 2 Aug. 2022
Bearbeitet: Christoppe am 2 Aug. 2022
Hello Sir! I appreciate your prompt response. May I ask is it possible to change the value of Odd or Even. Like example First and Last Rows will be multiplied by 1, All Odd rows will be multiplied by 4, and All Even rows will be multiplied by 2...
Benjamin Kraus
Benjamin Kraus am 2 Aug. 2022
I don't know the specifics of the Simpsons 1/3 Rule, so I'll leave the details of the algorithm up to you.

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