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System of equations with array inputs

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Irem Sara
Irem Sara am 11 Mär. 2022
Kommentiert: Irem Sara am 11 Mär. 2022
I am trying to solve a system of 4 equations with 4 unknowns, but two of the inputs are 499x1 arrays. Essentially, I am trying to find the variable values for all 499 input values, and record in a 499x4 matrix. I have the below code (on two separate scripts) but I keep getting an error message (see below). Would anyone be able to guide me on how to approach a problem like this and whether I need to use a loop?
global Yc Yd
function R = eqns_optimtax(X,input)
% Parameters and State Variables
for P=1:499
eps= input(1);
Adt= input(2);
Act = input(3);
omega = input(4);
Yc(P,1) = input(5);
Yd(P,1) = input(6);
% Equilibrium equations (note: here, X(1))=wt, X(2)=pct, X(3)=pdt,
% X(4)=tau
% Equation 1: pct*Act-wt=0
% Equation 2: pdt*Adt*Ldt-wt=0
% Equation 3: ((1-omega)*Yct^((eps-1)/eps)+
% omega*Ydt^((eps-1)/eps))^(1/(eps-1))*Yct^(-1/eps)*(1-omega) - pct=0
% Equation 4: ((1-omega)*Yct^((eps-1)/eps)+
% omega*Ydt^((eps-1)/eps))^(1/(eps-1))*Ydt^(-1/eps)*omega - (1+tau)pdt=0
for P=1:499
R(1,1)= X(2).*Act - X(1);
R(2,1)= X(3).*Adt- X(1);
R(3,1)= ((1-omega).*Yc(P,1).^((eps-1)/eps)+ omega.*Yd(P,1).^((eps-1)/eps)).^(1/(eps-1)).*Yc(P,1).^(-1/eps).*(1-omega) -X(2);
R(4,1)= ((1-omega).*Yc(P,1).^((eps-1)/eps)+ omega.*Yd(P,1).^((eps-1)/eps)).^(1/(eps-1)).*Yd(P,1).^(-1/eps).*omega -(1+X(4)).*X(3);
This now runs on a separate script
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% New Script %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
close all
%This code computes the optimal tax for the baseline model
% 4 equations, 4 unknowns(wt, pct, pdt, tau):
global Yc Yd
% Equation 1: pct*Act-wt=0
% Equation 2: pdt*Adt*Ldt-wt=0
% Equation 3: ((1-omega)*Yct^((eps-1)/eps)+
% omega*Ydt^((eps-1)/eps))^(1/(eps-1))*Yct^(-1/eps)*(1-omega) - pct=0
% Equation 4: ((1-omega)*Yct^((eps-1)/eps)+
% omega*Ydt^((eps-1)/eps))^(1/(eps-1))*Ydt^(-1/eps)*omega - (1+tau)pdt=0
% This is a non-linear system of equations. The code will use fsolve to
% find the solution for wt, pct, pdt,and tau for given parameter values of eps, omega; the given state variables Adt, Act and will match the level of
% production to the optimal path determined by the social planner's solution.
% The system of equations is written in the other matlab file
% eqns_optimtax.m
% Parameter values and state variables
eps = 3;
Adt = 1;
Act = 1;
omega = 0.6;
% Guess vector of variables
for P=1:499
param(P,1:6)=[eps; Adt; Act;omega; Yc(P,1); Yd(P,1)];
X0(P,1:4)=[1, 0.2903, 0.7097, 0.8];
% Using fsolve to compute values of interest. The vector X is the solution
[X(P,1:4),error_of_solution]=fsolve('eqns_optimtax', X0(P,1:4) ,[], param(P,1:6));
% Report the largerst departure from 0 in absolute value
Error Message:
All functions in a script must be closed with an 'end'.
Error in fsolve (line 260)
fuser = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});
Error in optimtax (line 33)
[X(P,1:4),error_of_solution]=fsolve('eqns_optimtax', X0(P,1:4) ,[], param(P,1:6));

Antworten (2)

Torsten am 11 Mär. 2022
function main
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% New Script %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%This code computes the optimal tax for the baseline model
% 4 equations, 4 unknowns(wt, pct, pdt, tau):
global Yc Yd
% Equation 1: pct*Act-wt=0
% Equation 2: pdt*Adt*Ldt-wt=0
% Equation 3: ((1-omega)*Yct^((eps-1)/eps)+
% omega*Ydt^((eps-1)/eps))^(1/(eps-1))*Yct^(-1/eps)*(1-omega) - pct=0
% Equation 4: ((1-omega)*Yct^((eps-1)/eps)+
% omega*Ydt^((eps-1)/eps))^(1/(eps-1))*Ydt^(-1/eps)*omega - (1+tau)pdt=0
% This is a non-linear system of equations. The code will use fsolve to
% find the solution for wt, pct, pdt,and tau for given parameter values of eps, omega; the given state variables Adt, Act and will match the level of
% production to the optimal path determined by the social planner's solution.
% The system of equations is written in the other matlab file
% eqns_optimtax.m
% Parameter values and state variables
eps = 3;
Adt = 1;
Act = 1;
omega = 0.6;
% Guess vector of variables
x0 = [1, 0.2903, 0.7097, 0.8];
X = zeros(4,499);
% Using fsolve to compute values of interest. The vector X is the solution
for P = 1:499
param =[eps; Adt; Act;omega; Yc(P,1); Yd(P,1)];
[x,error_of_solution]=fsolve(@(x)eqns_optimtax(x,param), x0);
X(:,P) = x;
ERROR_OF_SOLUTION(P) = norm(error_of_solution);
x0 = x;
% Report the largerst departure from 0 in absolute value
max_error = max(ERROR_OF_SOLUTION);
function R = eqns_optimtax(X,input)
% Parameters and State Variables
eps= input(1);
Adt= input(2);
Act = input(3);
omega = input(4);
Yc = input(5);
Yd = input(6);
% Equilibrium equations (note: here, X(1))=wt, X(2)=pct, X(3)=pdt,
% X(4)=tau
% Equation 1: pct*Act-wt=0
% Equation 2: pdt*Adt*Ldt-wt=0
% Equation 3: ((1-omega)*Yct^((eps-1)/eps)+
% omega*Ydt^((eps-1)/eps))^(1/(eps-1))*Yct^(-1/eps)*(1-omega) - pct=0
% Equation 4: ((1-omega)*Yct^((eps-1)/eps)+
% omega*Ydt^((eps-1)/eps))^(1/(eps-1))*Ydt^(-1/eps)*omega - (1+tau)pdt=0
R(1,1)= X(2)*Act - X(1);
R(2,1)= X(3)*Adt- X(1);
R(3,1)= ((1-omega)*Yc^((eps-1)/eps)+ omega*Yd^((eps-1)/eps))^(1/(eps-1))*Yc^(-1/eps)*(1-omega) -X(2);
R(4,1)= ((1-omega)*Yc^((eps-1)/eps)+ omega*Yd^((eps-1)/eps))^(1/(eps-1))*Yd^(-1/eps)*omega -(1+X(4))*X(3);
  3 Kommentare
Torsten am 11 Mär. 2022
Yes. Remove the line
function main
and the
at the end of the function.
Irem Sara
Irem Sara am 11 Mär. 2022
Great- thanks a lot!

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Jan am 11 Mär. 2022
Bearbeitet: Jan am 11 Mär. 2022
Your file eqns_optimtax.m starts with the line:
global Yc Yd
An m file starting with code instead of the keyword "function" is a script, not a function. If you define function inside scripts, they must be closed by an "end", which is missing.
I guess, that the line "globak Yc Yd" is complete orphaned. Simply delete it because it does not make any sense here. Of course eqns_optimtax must be a function, not a script.
Prefer to use function handles in the call of fsolve. Using a char vector containing the name of the function is still supported, but outdated for 20 years now.
[X(P,1:4),error_of_solution]=fsolve(@eqns_optimtax, X0(P,1:4) ,[], param(P,1:6));
Hint: Clean up the loop.
for P=1:499
eps= input(1);
Adt= input(2);
Act = input(3);
omega = input(4);
Yc(P,1) = input(5);
Yd(P,1) = input(6);
% Smarter without a loop:
eps= input(1);
Adt= input(2);
Act = input(3);
omega = input(4);
Yc(1:499,1) = input(5);
Yd(1:499,1) = input(6);
Using "input" and "end" as names of variables causes unexpected behavior frequently, because this shadows important built-in functions.


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