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How to get back red waitbar?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Thomas am 12 Nov. 2014
Kommentiert: Dev-iL am 8 Jul. 2015
In 2014b the waitbar appearance changed from the cool red to an ugly green windows-style one (btw in help documentation it still says "A wait bar is a figure that displays what percentage of a calculation is complete as the calculation proceeds by progressively filling a bar with red from left to right." ).
How can i revert it back to red?

Akzeptierte Antwort

Robert Cumming
Robert Cumming am 12 Nov. 2014
I played around with the java this afternoon and got this to work:
hBar = waitbar ( 0, 'Please Wait....' );
% now use java to get to the progress bar
jFrame = get ( hBar, 'JavaFrame' ); % this will throw a warning
jFigPanel = jFrame.getFigurePanelContainer;
jContainer = jFigPanel.getComponent(0);
jPanel = jContainer.getComponent(0);
jProgressContainer = jPanel.getComponent(0);
% get the progress bar
jProgressBar = jProgressContainer.getComponent(0);
% update the progressbar details
jProgressBar.setBackground ( java.awt.Color.RED );
jProgressBar.setString(''); % set the text to be empty
% example of progress bar being updated:
for ii=0:0.02:1
  3 Kommentare
Robert Cumming
Robert Cumming am 13 Nov. 2014
Don't think so. If it's such a problem make your own or use one from the file exchange.
You could put the above code in your own version, or make it a sub function.
Dev-iL am 8 Jul. 2015
Nice trick! FYI, the following line has no effect:
jProgressBar.setBackground ( java.awt.Color.RED );

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein am 12 Nov. 2014
I'm working with 2014a, but if they didn't change the entire waitbar, you should be able to modify the color this way:
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait...');
steps = 1000;
for step = 1:steps
waitbar(step / steps)
Warning: Don't run this code too often, it might cause headache ;-)
  1 Kommentar
Guillaume am 12 Nov. 2014
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to work in 2014b
the child of the waitbar (an axis) does not have any children (that are exposed)

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