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How to I add zeroes onto a matrix?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Sarah Nolt-Caraway
Sarah Nolt-Caraway am 21 Sep. 2021
Beantwortet: Stephen23 am 22 Sep. 2021
So I have a matrix, that needs to be 1x52500. If it isnt, I want to pad zeroes onto the end. This is what I have, but it did not add the zeroes.
Matrix = zeros(1,52500);
if length(index) ~= length(Matrix)
padarray(index,[0 1],0,'post')

Akzeptierte Antwort

Ryan am 22 Sep. 2021
Bearbeitet: Ryan am 22 Sep. 2021
I don't have the image processing toolbox so not sure how you would do it with padarray but you could also do it this way
Assuming "Matrix" is your data array to pad...
[~,X] = size(Matrix);
if X < 52500
Matrix = [Matrix,zeros(1,52500-X)]

Weitere Antworten (1)

Stephen23 am 22 Sep. 2021
Where V is your vector:
V(end+1:52500) = 0




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