How to plot graphs with looping through string variables?
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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Chang seok Ma
am 25 Aug. 2021
Kommentiert: Chang seok Ma
am 3 Sep. 2021
I have one question about plotting graphs.
I want to use loop with string variables as below.
Basically, I want to read the sheet of the excel and also put the title of the graph using string variables.
But with the code I wrote as below, I am using 'specification' which is a number not a string.
Is there any way I can deal with this?
Thank you.
group = {'r_new_car' 'r_used_car' 'r_used_truck'};
for member = 1:length(group)
specification = member;
figcount = 1;
horizon = xlsread('results.xlsx',specification,'C2:K2');
coefficients = xlsread('results.xlsx',specification,'C4:K4');
ses = xlsread('results.xlsx',specification,'C5:K5');
h_to_plot = linspace(1,9,9);
xlim([-4 6])
grid on
set(figure(figcount), 'PaperUnits', 'inches');
scale = 3;
x_width=scale*3; y_width=scale*2;
set(figure(figcount), 'PaperPosition', [0 0 x_width y_width]);
figcount = figcount + 1;
hold off
1 Kommentar
am 25 Aug. 2021
Probably you should import the file as a table:
then you can just loop over the column/variable names:
Akzeptierte Antwort
Dave B
am 26 Aug. 2021
Bearbeitet: Dave B
am 26 Aug. 2021
Are you saying you want to use specification and find the corresponding values in group?
group = {'r_new_car' 'r_used_car' 'r_used_truck'};
for member = 1:length(group)
specification = member; % not sure what this line does, you could just use write specification above instead of member
groupname = group{specification};
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