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calculate mean af cell

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
fereshte am 12 Jul. 2014
Bearbeitet: fereshte am 13 Jul. 2014
I have a cell with 30 rows., In each row there are 39 columns. Every ten folders belong to one person. For each column I want to calculate the average value for the ten folders and give this value instead of 10 different amounts. then do it for folders from 11 to 20 and 21 to 30.
  7 Kommentare
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek am 13 Jul. 2014
Bearbeitet: Azzi Abdelmalek am 13 Jul. 2014
Each 10 rows from what?
fereshte am 13 Jul. 2014
rows from 1 to 10 is person one.from 11 to 20 is person two.and 21 to 30 is person three.i want use this cell for person identification

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek am 12 Jul. 2014
Bearbeitet: Azzi Abdelmalek am 13 Jul. 2014
clear out
for k=1:3
out{1,k}=arrayfun(@(x) mean(cell2mat(f{x}'),2),1:39,'un',0);
  9 Kommentare
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek am 13 Jul. 2014
Look at edited answer
fereshte am 13 Jul. 2014
Bearbeitet: fereshte am 13 Jul. 2014
thank you so much.

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford am 12 Jul. 2014
If your "cell" is an ordinary 'double' 30 x 39 array, A, do this:
B = [mean(A(1:10,:),1);mean(A(11:20,:),1);mean(A(21:30,:),1)];
or else this:
B = reshape(mean(reshape(A,10,[]),1),3,[]);
Either method should work.
  1 Kommentar
fereshte am 12 Jul. 2014
Bearbeitet: fereshte am 12 Jul. 2014
i dont write this code.please help me :( my cell attached above its 30*1 cell.then in each cell there are 39 features that they are numerical. name of cell is data_all.mat. what write instead of A?

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