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What this code do?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
subha am 24 Jun. 2014
Bearbeitet: Image Analyst am 4 Mai 2020
I would like to know what this code does?
dos('rm *.ascii');

Antworten (2)

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes am 24 Jun. 2014
In the Command Window type help dos or doc dos. The dos function executes a DOS command and returns the result:
status = dos(command) executes the specified DOS command for Windows® platforms, and waits for the command to finish execution before returning the exit status to the status variable
The command string in this case is rm *.ascii which should remove all files with the ascii extension from the current directory.
  2 Kommentare
subha am 24 Jun. 2014
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes am 24 Jun. 2014
I should have indicated that I ran this piece of code on my Mac where the rm command is valid and so will (and did!) remove all files with the ascii extension...

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 24 Jun. 2014
Bearbeitet: Image Analyst am 4 Mai 2020
rm is a Unix command: not a DOS command.
Does that command even work, or does it throw an error?
For DOS, use del instead of rm. Or use the system() function instead of the dos() function.
  4 Kommentare
subha am 25 Jun. 2014
ok. thanks
Waqar Khan
Waqar Khan am 4 Mai 2020
Thank you

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