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read all images from subfolders

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
fereshte am 21 Mai 2014
Kommentiert: fereshte am 24 Mai 2014
hi.i have a folder with subfolders that each folder contains ten folder and these folders have 4 image files. how can resize all images with matlab code?

Antworten (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 21 Mai 2014
Combine the FAQ: with imresize() and you can do it. Create two filenames with sprintf() and fullfile(). Call imread() then imresize() then imwrite(). If you cannot do that, then post your code for us to fix.
  12 Kommentare
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 24 Mai 2014
Well figure it out. Step through one line at a time until you see the value of it vanish. See
In the meantime, I attach a program to recurse into subfolders getting image names.
fereshte am 24 Mai 2014
ok.thanks a lot

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