How do I change image background to red
2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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am 18 Feb. 2014
Kommentiert: Image Analyst
am 20 Sep. 2018
I have an image with black background, which I got from imfreehand function. I want to change that black background to red. Following is link for image.
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Akzeptierte Antwort
Image Analyst
am 18 Feb. 2014
background = grayImage == 0; % Find black pixels.
redChannel = grayImage;
redChannel(background) = 255; % Set black pixels to max value.
% Create true color image.
rgbImage = cat(3, redChannel, grayImage, grayImage);
imshow(rgbImage); % Display it.
5 Kommentare
Image Analyst
am 20 Feb. 2014
numberOfBackgroundPixels = sum(background(:)); % Red/white pixels in background.
numberOfROIPixels = numel(background) - numberOfBackgroundPixels;
Weitere Antworten (2)
Ravi Shekhar
am 29 Mär. 2018
Hi, you can use following MATLAB code to change the color scheme of a gray image.
gray_image = imread('cameraman.tif');
map = colormap('autumn');
rgb_image = ind2rgb(gray_image,map);
You can get different color schemes under 'colormap' function in MATLAB.
0 Kommentare
hf fh
am 19 Sep. 2018
Please help me I have an image and I want to make the background color white I used the previous method but did not good out with me
5 Kommentare
hf fh
am 20 Sep. 2018
To make sure there is no noise in the image and also make sure the edges of the image
Image Analyst
am 20 Sep. 2018
Making the surround white does not make sure there is no noise in the image. And you didn't finish the second part of the sentence about making sure the edges.....are what?
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