Weird imshow image. same pixel value different color

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Kyle am 25 Jun. 2011
I have some problem in displaying images with the following code. The output image should be image of Image A overlap image B. However the image become totally white after combine. When i use Imtool to check on the pixel value on A and C, i notice same pixel value shows different color.
Any1 knows what when wrong?
% A = reshape(1:15,3,5)
% B = reshape(1:35,5,7)+12
A = imread('cameraman.tif');
B = imread('cameraman.tif');
% NA = 8; % The number to overlap in A.
% NB = 32; % The number to overlap in B.
[mA,nA] = size(A);
[mB,nB] = size(B);
% [IA,JA] = find(A==NA);
% [IB,JB] = find(B==NB);
mC = mA+mB+mod(mA+mB,2)+1;
nC = nA+nB+mod(nA+nB,2)+1;
C = zeros(mC,nC);
cC = round([mC/2,nC/2]);
C(cC(1)-IB+1:cC(1)-IB+mB,cC(2)-JB+1:cC(2)-JB+nB) = B;
C(cC(1)-IA+1:cC(1)-IA+mA,cC(2)-JA+1:cC(2)-JA+nA) = A;
C = C(:,any(logical(C)));
C = C(any(logical(C),2),:);
  1 Kommentar
Jan am 26 Jun. 2011
The question is not clear to me. Why do you think that something went wrong?

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Doug Eastman
Doug Eastman am 27 Jun. 2011
C is double so the default range for imshow is between 0 and 1, but your values are between 0 and 255. You can either specify the display range in imshow (see IMSHOW), cast C to uint8, or, even better, change the line that you use to create C to:
C = zeros(mC,nC,'uint8');

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