Robot Applications
Control robots based on sensor information
Sensor data collected off the TurtleBot® can be used to control the robot. Examples of some common applications using sensor data to determine controls for the TurtleBot are shown here.
turtlebot | Connect to TurtleBot |
- Get Image Data from TurtleBot at a Fixed Rate
This example shows how to get image data from the TurtleBot and display it at a fixed rate.
- Plot Turtlebot Odometry
This example shows how to get, store, and display odometry data from a TurtleBot® as it drives in an environment.
- Create a UI for TurtleBot
This example shows how to create a UI for collecting sensor data and controlling a TurtleBot® robot.
- Track and Follow an Object Using a TurtleBot
This example shows how to track an object based on color using a TurtleBot® robot connected via a ROS network.