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Handle Class Destructor

Basic Knowledge

Class destructor – a method named delete that MATLAB® calls implicitly before destroying an object of a handle class. Also, user-defined code can call delete explicitly to destroy an object.

Nondestructor – a method named delete that does not meet the syntax requirements of a valid destructor. Therefore, MATLAB does not call this method implicitly when destroying handle objects. A method named delete in a value class is not a destructor. A method named delete in a value class that sets the HandleCompatible attribute to true is not a destructor.

Object Lifecycle

Method Attributes

Syntax of Handle Class Destructor Method

MATLAB calls the destructor of a handle class when destroying objects of the class. MATLAB recognizes a method named delete as the class destructor only if you define delete as an ordinary method with the appropriate syntax.

To be a valid class destructor, the delete method:

  • Must define one, scalar input argument, which is an object of the class.

  • Must not define output arguments

  • Cannot be Sealed, Static, or Abstract

  • Cannot use arguments blocks for input argument validation.

In addition, the delete method should not:

  • Throw errors, even if the object is invalid.

  • Create new handles to the object being destroyed

  • Call methods or access properties of subclasses

MATLAB does not call a noncompliant delete method when destroying objects of the class. A noncompliant delete method can prevent the destruction of the object by shadowing the handle class delete method.

A delete method defined by a value class that is handle compatible is not a destructor, even if the delete method is inherited by a handle subclass. For information on handle compatible classes, see Handle Compatible Classes.

Declare delete as an ordinary method:

   function delete(obj)
      % obj is always scalar

delete Called Element-Wise on Array

MATLAB calls the delete method separately for each element in an array. Therefore, a delete method is passed only one scalar argument with each invocation.

Calling delete on a deleted handle should not error and can take no action. This design enables delete to work on object arrays containing a mix of valid and invalid objects.

Handle Object During delete Method Execution

Calling the delete method on an object always results in the destruction of the object. The object is destroyed when the call to delete is made explicitly in MATLAB code or when called by MATLAB because an object is no longer reachable from any workspace. Once called, a delete method cannot abort or prevent object destruction.

A delete method can access properties of the object being deleted. MATLAB does not destroy these properties until after the delete methods for the class of the object and all superclasses finish executing.

If a delete method creates new variables that contain a handle to the object being deleted, those handles are invalid. After the delete method finishes execution, handles to the deleted object in any variables in any workspace are invalid.

The isvalid method returns false for the handle object within the delete method because object destruction begins when the method is called.

MATLAB calls delete methods in the inverse of the construction order. That is, MATLAB invokes subclass delete methods before superclass delete methods.

If a superclass expects a property to be managed by subclasses, then the superclass should not access that property in its delete method. For example, if a subclass uses an inherited abstract property to store an object handle, then the subclass should destroy this object in its delete method, but the superclass should not access that property in its delete method.

Support Destruction of Partially Constructed Objects

Errors that occur while constructing an object can result in a call to delete before the object is fully created. Therefore, class delete methods must be able to work with partially constructed objects.

For example, the PartialObject class delete method determines if the Data property is empty before accessing the data this property contains. If an error occurs while assigning the constructor argument to the Name property, MATLAB passes the partially constructed object to delete.

classdef PartialObject < handle
      % Restrict the Name property
      % to a cell array
      Name cell
      function h = PartialObject(name)
         if nargin > 0
            h.Name = name;
            h.Data.a = rand(10,1);
      function delete(h)
         % Protect against accessing properties
         % of partially constructed objects
         if ~isempty(h.Data)
            t = h.Data.a;
            disp('Data is empty')

An error occurs if you call the constructor with a char vector, instead of the required cell array:

obj = PartialObject('Test')

MATLAB passes the partially constructed object to the delete method. The constructor did not set the value of the Data property because the error occurred when setting the Name property.

Data is empty
Error setting 'Name' property of 'PartialObject' class:

When to Define a Destructor Method

Use a delete method to perform cleanup operations before MATLAB destroys the object. MATLAB calls the delete method reliably, even if execution is interrupted with Ctrl-c or an error.

If an error occurs during the construction of a handle class, MATLAB calls the class destructor on the object along with the destructors for any objects contained in properties and any initialized base classes.

For example, suppose that a method opens a file for writing and you want to close the file in your delete method. The delete method can call fclose on a file identifier that the object stores in its FileID property:

function delete(obj)

Destructors in Class Hierarchies

If you create a hierarchy of classes, each class can define its own delete method. When destroying an object, MATLAB calls the delete method of each class in the hierarchy. Defining a delete method in a handle subclass does not override the handle class delete method. Subclass delete methods augment the superclass delete methods.

Inheriting a Sealed Delete Method

Classes cannot define a valid destructor that is Sealed. MATLAB returns an error when you attempt to instantiate a class that defines a Sealed delete method.

Normally, declaring a method as Sealed prevents subclasses from overriding that method. However, a Sealed method named delete that is not a valid destructor does not prevent a subclass from defining its own destructor.

For example, if a superclass defines a method named delete that is not a valid destructor, but is Sealed, then subclasses:

  • Can define valid destructors (which are always named delete).

  • Cannot define methods named delete that are not valid destructors.

Destructors in Heterogeneous Hierarchies

Heterogeneous class hierarchies require that all methods to which heterogeneous arrays are passed must be sealed. However, the rule does not apply to class destructor methods. Because destructor methods cannot be sealed, you can define a valid destructor in a heterogeneous hierarchy that is not sealed, but does function as a destructor.

For information on heterogeneous hierarchies, see Designing Heterogeneous Class Hierarchies

Object Lifecycle

MATLAB invokes the delete method when the lifecycle of an object ends. The lifecycle of an object ends when the object is:

  • No longer referenced anywhere

  • Only referenced by weak handles

  • Explicitly deleted by calling delete on the handle

Inside a Function

The lifecycle of an object referenced by a local variable or input argument exists from the time the variable is assigned until the time it is reassigned, cleared, or no longer referenced within that function or in any handle array.

A variable goes out of scope when you explicitly clear it or when its function ends. When a variable goes out of scope and its value belongs to a handle class that defines a delete method, MATLAB calls that method. MATLAB defines no ordering among variables in a function. Do not assume that MATLAB destroys one value before another value when the same function contains multiple values.

Sequence During Handle Object Destruction

MATLAB invokes the delete methods in the following sequence when destroying an object:

  1. The delete method for the class of the object

  2. The delete method of each superclass class, starting with the immediate superclasses and working up the hierarchy to the most general superclasses

MATLAB invokes the delete methods of superclasses at the same level in the hierarchy in the order specified in the class definition. For example, the following class definition specifies supclass1 before supclass2. MATLAB calls the delete method of supclass1 before the delete method of supclass2.

classdef myClass < supclass1 & supclass2

After calling each delete method, MATLAB destroys the property values belonging exclusively to the class whose method was called. However, if the property values contain handle objects that are still referenced outside the scope of the class, calling delete on the containing object does not delete the property handle objects themselves. They can still be accessed by other existing references.

Superclass delete methods cannot call methods or access properties belonging to a subclass.

Destruction of Objects with Cyclic References

Consider a set of objects that reference other objects of the set such that the references form a cyclic graph. In this case, MATLAB:

  • Destroys the objects if they are referenced only within the cycle

  • Does not destroy the objects as long as there is an external reference to any of the objects from a MATLAB variable outside the cycle

MATLAB destroys the objects in the reverse of the order of construction. for more information, see Handle Object During delete Method Execution.

Restrict Access to Object Delete Method

Destroy handle objects by explicitly calling delete on the object:


A class can prevent explicit destruction of an object by setting its delete method Access attribute to private. However, a method of the class can call the private delete method.

If the class delete method Access attribute is protected, only methods of the class and of subclasses can explicitly delete objects of that class.

However, when an object lifecycle ends, MATLAB calls the object’s delete method when destroying the object regardless of the method’s Access attribute.

Inherited Private Delete Methods

Class destructor behavior differs from the normal behavior of an overridden method. MATLAB executes each delete method of each superclass upon destruction, even if that delete method is not public.

When you explicitly call an object’s delete method, MATLAB checks the delete method Access attribute in the class defining the object, but not in the superclasses of the object. A superclass with a private delete method cannot prevent the destruction of subclass objects.

Declaring a private delete method makes most sense for sealed classes. In the case where classes are not sealed, subclasses can define their own delete methods with public access. MATLAB calls a private superclass delete method as a result of an explicit call to a public subclass delete method.

Nondestructor Delete Methods

A class can implement a method named delete that is not a valid class destructor. MATLAB does not call this method implicitly when destroying an object. In this case, delete behaves like an ordinary method.

For example, if the superclass implements a Sealed method named delete that is not a valid destructor, then MATLAB does not allow subclasses to override this method.

A delete method defined by a value class cannot be a class destructor.

External References to MATLAB Objects

MATLAB does not manage object lifecycles that involve external languages that perform their own object lifecycle management (aka, garbage collection). MATLAB cannot detect when it is safe to destroy objects used in cyclic references because the external environment does not notify MATLAB when external reference have been destroyed.

If you cannot avoid external references to MATLAB objects, explicitly break the cyclic reference by destroying the objects in MATLAB.

The following section describes how to manage this situation when using Java® objects that reference MATLAB objects.

Java References Can Prevent Destructor Execution

Java does not support the object destructors that MATLAB objects use. Therefore, it is important to manage the lifecycle of all objects used in applications that include both Java and MATLAB objects.

Java objects that hold references to MATLAB objects can prevent deletion of the MATLAB objects. In these cases, MATLAB does not call the handle object delete method even when there is no handle variable referring to that object. To ensure your delete method executes, call delete on the object explicitly before the handle variable goes out of scope.

Problems can occur when you define callbacks for Java objects that reference MATLAB objects.

For example, the CallbackWithJava class creates a Java com.mathworks.jmi.Callback object and assigns a class method as the callback function. The result is a Java object that has a reference to a handle object via the function-handle callback.

classdef CallbackWithJava < handle
      function obj = CallbackWithJava
         jo = com.mathworks.jmi.Callback;
         set(jo,'DelayedCallback',@obj.cbFunc); % Assign method as callback
      function cbFunc(obj,varargin)
         c = class(obj);
         disp(['Java object callback on class ',c])
      function delete(obj)
         c = class(obj);
         disp(['ML object destructor called for class ',c])

Suppose that you create a CallbackWithJava object from within a function:

function testDestructor
   cwj = CallbackWithJava

Creating an instance of the CallbackWithJava class creates the com.mathworks.jmi.Callback object and executes the callback function:

cwj = 

  CallbackWithJava with no properties.

Java object callback on class CallbackWithJava

The handle variable, cwj, exists only in the function workspace. However, MATLAB does not call the class delete method when the function ends. The com.mathworks.jmi.Callback object still exists and holds a reference to the object of the CallbackWithJava class, which prevents destruction of the MATLAB object.

clear classes
Warning: Objects of 'CallbackWithJava' class exist.  Cannot clear this class or
any of its superclasses. 

To avoid causing inaccessible objects, call delete explicitly before losing the handle to the MATLAB object.

function testDestructor
   cwj = CallbackWithJava

Manage Object Lifecycle in Applications

MATLAB applications that use Java or other external-language objects should manage the lifecycle of the objects involved. A typical user interface application references Java objects from MATLAB objects and creates callbacks on Java objects that reference MATLAB objects.

You can break these cyclic references in various ways:

  • Explicitly call delete on the MATLAB objects when they are no longer needed

  • Unregister the Java object callbacks that reference MATLAB objects

  • Use intermediate handle objects that reference both the Java callbacks and the MATLAB objects.

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