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Redirect MATLAB Command Window Output to C++

MATLAB® displays error messages and the output from statements in the MATLAB command window. These examples show how to redirect this output to your C++ program using a string buffer to capture this output and return it with the feval, fevalAsync, eval, or evalAsync member functions.

For information on how to setup and build C++ engine programs, see Requirements to Build C++ Engine Applications.

Redirect Screen Output

This example evaluates two statements in MATLAB. These statements create three variables in the MATLAB workspace. The code calls the MATLAB whos function, which displays the current workspace variables in the MATLAB command window. Capture MATLAB standard output in a string buffer by passing a pointer to the buffer with the call to MATLABEngine::eval.

#include "MatlabDataArray.hpp"
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp"
#include <iostream>

void screenOutput() {

    using namespace matlab::engine;
    // Start MATLAB engine synchronously
    std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB();

    // Evaluate statements that create variables
    matlabPtr->eval(u"[X,Y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2);");
    matlabPtr->eval(u"Z = X.*exp(-X.^2 - Y.^2);");

    // Create string buffer for standard output
    typedef std::basic_stringbuf<char16_t> StringBuf;
    std::shared_ptr<StringBuf> output = std::make_shared<StringBuf>();

    // Display variables in the MATLAB workspace
    matlabPtr->eval(u"whos", output);

    // Display MATLAB output in C++
    String output_ = output.get()->str();
    std::cout << convertUTF16StringToUTF8String(output_) << std::endl;

Redirect Error Output

This example causes a MATLAB error by referencing a variable after clearing all variables from the MATLAB workspace. The string buffer passed to the MATLABEngine::eval member function captures the error message inside a try/catch code block.

#include "MatlabDataArray.hpp"
#include "MatlabEngine.hpp"
#include <iostream>

void errorOutput() {

    using namespace matlab::engine;

    // Start MATLAB engine synchronously
    std::unique_ptr<MATLABEngine> matlabPtr = startMATLAB();

    // Create string buffer for standard output
    typedef std::basic_stringbuf<char16_t> StringBuf;
    std::shared_ptr<StringBuf> error = std::make_shared<StringBuf>();

    // Evaluate statement that causes error
    try {
        matlabPtr->eval(u"x + 2;", {}, error);
    catch (...) {
        String error_ = error.get()->str();
        std::cout << convertUTF16StringToUTF8String(error_) << std::endl;

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