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Represent C++ Arrays Using MATLAB Objects

MATLAB® provides the clib.array interface to wrap C++ native arrays and std::vector types in MATLAB objects. The term clib array refers to the MATLAB object representation of these C++ types.

A MATLAB clib array is defined only when the corresponding C++ native array or std::vector type is used by supported C++ constructs—function input and output arguments and data members. The library header files must contain the definition of the array element type. The constructs must be supported by MATLAB and included when building the MATLAB interface to the C++ library.

This topic shows how to create a MATLAB clib array, use a clib array as a C++ function parameter, and convert a MATLAB array to a C++ array object. This topic also describes the common properties and methods of all MATLAB clib arrays.

Create MATLAB Array of C++ Objects

To create a MATLAB object that represents C++ native arrays or std::vector types, call the MATLAB clibArray function. For example, suppose that your interface libname defines a class named MyClass. In MATLAB, you refer to this class as clib.libname.MyClass. Create an array of five MyClass objects.

myclassArray = clibArray("clib.libname.MyClass",5);

The type of the MATLAB array myclassArray is clib.array.libname.MyClass. To access an element of myclassArray, use MATLAB indexing. For example, access the first element.

e = myclassArray(1)

The element type is clib.libname.MyClass.

Alternatively, if the element type is a fundamental type, a user-defined class with a default constructor, or a standard string type, call the clib.array constructor.

To create an array from a fundamental type, you must know the corresponding element type. For mapping information, see the Vector Integer Types and Floating Point Types tables in C++ to MATLAB Data Type Mapping. For example, if the C++ type is std::vector<int32_t>, then the MATLAB element type is clib.libname.Int. Create an array with five clib.libname.Int elements.

myIntArray = clib.array.libname.Int(5)

Create an array of five elements of the same user-defined class.

myclassArray = clib.array.libname.MyClass(5)

To create an array from a standard string type, see the std::vector<T> String Types table for element type information. For example, if the C++ type is std::vector<std::string>, then the MATLAB element type is clib.libname.std.String. Create an array with five clib.libname.std.String elements.

myStringArray = clib.array.libname.std.String(5)

Treat C++ Native Arrays of Fundamental Types as MATLAB Fundamental Types

By default, MATLAB represents C++ native arrays of fundamental types with the MATLAB clib.array types. If you need to preserve fundamental MATLAB array types with outputs, then build your MATLAB interface to the C++ library with the ReturnCArrays name-value argument set to false. For more information, see clibgen.generateLibraryDefinition.


Saving C++ objects into a MAT-file is not supported.


You cannot create an array of C++ objects using square brackets.

Convert MATLAB Array to C++ Array Object

You can use an existing MATLAB array as a C++ array object. For example, suppose that you have a MATLAB interface libname. Convert a MATLAB array of double values to a C++ array object by using the clibConvertArray function.

a = [1 2 3];
arr = clibConvertArray("clib.libname.Double",a);

Call C++ Function with clib.array Parameter

You can create a MATLAB variable to pass as a function parameter for specific C++ types. These examples show how to pass a clib array parameter directly, by reference, as a fixed-size array, and as const and non-const objects. The code assumes you build an interface named libname.

Pass std::vector Parameter

When you pass a clib array directly as a parameter to a C++ function that expects an std::vector input, MATLAB converts the elements and the size of the clib array to an std::vector argument. The number of dimensions of the passed array must match the expected dimensions of the parameter. For example, this function takes an std::vector of type double.

void fcn(std::vector<double> doubleVec);

Display the help text from MATLAB.

help clib.libname.fcn
fcn -  clib.libname.fcn Representation of C++ function fcn.

    Input Arguments
      doubleVec      vector clib.array.libname.Double

Create a 1-D clib array and pass it to fcn.

arr1d = clibArray("clib.libname.Double",[3])

If you pass a 2-D array, MATLAB returns an error.

arr2d = clibArray("clib.libname.Double",[2 3]);
ans =
     2     3
Error using clib.libname.fcn
No method 'clib.libname.fcn' with matching signature found.

Pass struct Parameter

Since R2024b

You can pass a MATLAB structure as a parameter to a C++ function. MATLAB converts the structure to a C++ struct argument. To view the C++ structure definition for MyStruct in MATLAB, call help clib.libname.MyStruct. The MATLAB structure must meet these requirements.

  • The structure contains all of the fields of the C++ structure definition.

  • The field names of the structure must exactly match the field names of the C++ structure. Field names are case-sensitive.

  • The MATLAB structure cannot contain fields that are not in the C++ structure.

  • The type for each field value must be a valid type for the matching field in the C++ structure.

  • The size of the field value must match the C++ data member size.

For information about the C++ struct, type help clib.libname.dataType, where libname is the MATLAB interface name and dataType is the struct definition.

For example, this C++ code defines function getData, which takes a struct of type DataRecord.

struct DataRecord {
      char ID[5];
      float amount;
      double x;

void getData(DataRecord *s){};

Generate the library definition file for interface libname, and define the getData input argument as a two-element vector of type clib.array.libname.DataRecord. To define the argument, edit the defineArgument function in the definelibname.m file with the following values:

defineArgument(getDataDefinition, "s", "clib.array.libname.DataRecord", "input", 2);

After building the interface, display the help text for libname.

help clib.libname
Classes contained in clib.libname:
DataRecord                     -  clib.libname.DataRecord    Representation of C++ class DataRecord.

Functions contained in clib.libname:
getData                        -  clib.libname.getData Representation of C++ function getData.

Display the help text for the function getData. The type for input s is a two-element vector of type clib.array.libname.DataRecord.

help clib.libname.getData
getData -  clib.libname.getData Representation of C++ function getData.

    Input Arguments
      s              2 element vector clib.array.libname.DataRecord  

Display the help text for the type clib.array.libname.DataRecord. The type is a C++ array with elements of type clib.libname.DataRecord.

help clib.array.libname.DataRecord
clib.array.libname.DataRecord    C++ array with elements of type clib.libname.DataRecord.

Display the help text for the structure DataRecord.

help clib.libname.DataRecord
DataRecord -  clib.libname.DataRecord    Representation of C++ class DataRecord.

      struct with fields:  
      ID             5 element vector char
      amount         single
      x              double

Create a two-element MATLAB struct array with fields ID, amount, and x.

s.ID = 'abcde';
s.amount = single(1000);
s.x = 5;
s(2).ID = 'vwxyz';
s(2).amount = single(1000);
s(2).x = 5;

Convert the structure to a C++ array of type clib.libname.DataRecord.

sarr = clibConvertArray("clib.libname.DataRecord",s)

Call getData.


In this example, the function parameter is input only, meaning the function does not modify the input. You can directly call getData with the MATLAB structure array s. MATLAB converts the array to a C++ struct of type clib.array.libname.DataRecord.


Get the updated struct array back into MATLAB.

res = struct(s);

If the function modifies the input value, you must call clibConvertArray to convert the MATLAB struct array to a clib.array object. Then, when you call the function with the clib.array object, the function modifies the clib.array object in place.

Use nullptr in Pointer Fields.  To assign nullptr to a C++ struct pointer data member, assign [] to a field in the MATLAB structure. For example, this C++ code defines MyStruct.

#include <stdint.h>
struct Inner { int i; };
struct MyStruct { 
    char *str;  // Mltype = "string", shape = "nullTerminated"
    int32_t *x; // Mltype = "clib.array.lib.Int32"
    Inner *in1; // Mltype = "clib.lib.Inner"

Create a MATLAB object myStruct with these fields:

myStruct.str = '';
myStruct.x = int32.empty;
% Assign nullptr to a struct pointer data member
myStruct.in1 = struct([]);
% Alternative nullptr assignment
myStruct.in1 = struct.empty;
obj = clib.lib.MyStruct(myStruct)
obj = 
  MyStruct with properties:

    str: [0×0 string]
      x: [1×1 clib.array.lib.Int]
    in1: [1×1 clib.lib.Inner]

You can convert this C++ struct with pointer fields set to nullptr to a MATLAB structure mlStruct using the struct method.

mlStruct = struct(obj)
mlStruct = struct with fields:
    str: ''
      x: []
    in1: [1×1 struct]

Pass Fixed-Sized Array Parameter

If the parameter is a fixed-sized array, then the number of dimensions and the type of the elements of a passed array must match those of the expected parameter. For example, this function takes a fixed-sized array of type double as input.

void fcn(double arr[3]);

Display the help text from MATLAB.

help clib.libname.fcn
fcn -  clib.libname.fcn Representation of C++ function fcn.

    Input Arguments
      arr            3 element vector clib.array.libname.Double  

Then call the function with a clib array of the required size and type.

arr3 = clibArray("clib.libname.Double",3); 

Pass Parameter by Reference

You can pass a clib array to a C++ function that modifies the input data and returns the data to MATLAB. Then convert the data from the clib array to a MATLAB array using one of the methods listed in MATLAB C++ Object Array Methods. For example, these functions populate C++ arrays with data of type int32_t and char.

#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

void getData(std::vector<int32_t>& arr) {
   int32_t data [] = {2, 4, 5};
   for (auto c : data) {
void getData(std::vector<char>& arr) {
   char data [] = {'M', 'A', 'T', 'L', 'A', 'B', '\0'};
   for (auto c : data) {

Call the getData function to populate a numeric clib array of type int32_t and convert it to a MATLAB int32 array.

narr = clib.array.libname.Int(3);
ans = 1×3 int32 row vector    
   2   4   5

Now call the getData function to populate a character array and convert it for use in MATLAB.

carr = clib.array.libname.Char(1);
ans = 'MATLAB '

Pass const and Non-const Parameters

A const parameter can take a non-const object, but a non-const parameter cannot take a const object. For example, this C++ class has functions that create const and non-const objects and methods that take const and non-const inputs.

class MyClass {
      int m_value;
      MyClass():m_value(0) {}
      void nonConstMethod() {}
      int constMethod() const { return m_value; }
} classObj;

MyClass& funcNonConstObj() {
    return classObj;

const MyClass& funcConstObj() {
    return classObj;

Display the help text from MATLAB.

help clib.libname.funcConstObj
funcConstObj -  clib.libname.funcConstObj Representation of C++ function funcConstObj.

  RetVal = clib.libname.funcConstObj
    Output Arguments
      RetVal         read-only clib.libname.MyClass  
help clib.libname.funcNonConstObj
funcNonConstObj -  clib.libname.funcNonConstObj Representation of C++ function funcNonConstObj.

  RetVal = clib.libname.funcNonConstObj
    Output Arguments
      RetVal         clib.libname.MyClass  

Create MyClass objects obj1 and obj2.

obj1 = clib.libname.funcConstObj;
obj2 = clib.libname.funcNonConstObj;

Confirm that the const object is read-only, and then pass it to its constMethod and nonConstMethod methods.

ans = 
Error using clib.libname.MyClass/nonConstMethod
Calling nonconst method 'nonConstMethod' of read-only object 'clib.libname.MyClass' not supported.

However, you can pass the non-const object to both its constMethod and nonConstMethod methods.

ans = 

Handle Updated Array Elements

If a C++ function updates the elements of an array parameter, then the function also updates the MATLAB clib array because the array is a MATLAB handle. For example, this function modifies the elements of the parameter doubleArr.

void fcn(double * doubleArr, int size) { 
    for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) 
        doubleArr[i] *= 2.0; 

To create interface libname, edit the definelibname.m definition file. Uncomment the statements defining fcn and replace <SHAPE> with "size". Then display the help text from MATLAB.

help clib.libname.fcn
fcn -  clib.libname.fcn Representation of C++ function fcn.

    Input Arguments
      doubleArr      vector clib.array.libname.Double  

Call this function from MATLAB to update the array elements with their values multiplied by 2.

doubleArr = clibConvertArray("clib.libname.Double", [2 3 4]); 
doubleArr(3) % display element 3
ans = 

MATLAB C++ Object Array Properties

MATLAB arrays created with clibArray or clibConvertArray have these properties.





double vectorRead-only

Dimensions of the C++ array. For example, [2 5 3] specifies a 2-by-5-by-3 array.


logical scalarRead-only

  • true — You can add or remove elements.

  • false — You cannot add or remove elements.

MATLAB C++ Object Array Methods

MATLAB arrays created with clibArray or clibConvertArray have these methods.






Add an optionally specified element to the end of the array.

For a primitive MATLAB clib array, if you do not specify an input argument, then the method appends a zero value.

For a class-type MATLAB clib array, if you do not specify an input argument, then the method appends an object created by the class-type default constructor. If the class-type default constructor is deleted, a run-time error occurs.



Remove the last element of the array. If the MATLAB clib array is empty, a run-time error occurs.



Convert to double precision.



Convert to int8.



Convert to uint8.



Convert to int16.



Convert to uint16.



Convert to int32.



Convert to uint32.



Convert to int64.



Convert to uint64.



Convert to logical.

struct (since R2024b)


Convert to structure.

Memory Management

The memory for MATLAB arrays created with clibArray or clibConvertArray is managed by MATLAB. You do not need to explicitly release the memory for clib arrays. For more information about releasing memory for C++ objects from MATLAB, see clibRelease.

See Also

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