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Visible area from point on or above terrain


Specify Coordinates and Heights

[vis,visR] = viewshed(Z,R,latObs,lonObs) calculates the visible area (the viewshed) for the point specified by latObs and lonObs. Specify spatially referenced terrain data, in meters, using Z and R. This function assumes that the Earth is a sphere.


[vis,visR] = viewshed(Z,R,latObs,lonObs,hObs) specifies the height, in meters, of the observer.

[vis,visR] = viewshed(Z,R,latObs,lonObs,hObs,hTarget) specifies the height, in meters, of the target points. The target points are all the points specified by the spatial reference.

[vis,visR] = viewshed(Z,R,latObs,lonObs,hObs,hTarget,hObsRef) references the height of the observer to either the terrain (ground level) or the sphere (mean sea level).

[vis,visR] = viewshed(Z,R,latObs,lonObs,hObs,hTarget,hObsRef,hTargetRef) references the height of the target points to either the terrain (ground level) or the sphere (mean sea level).

Specify Reference Sphere

[vis,visR] = viewshed(Z,R,latObs,lonObs,hObs,hTarget,hObsRef,hTargetRef,rad) specifies the radius in meters of the reference sphere. This syntax is useful for finding line-of-sight visibility for planetary bodies other than Earth.

[vis,visR] = viewshed(Z,R,latObs,lonObs,hObs,hTarget,hObsRef,hTargetRef,rad,effectiveRad) specifies a larger radius for the propagation of line-of-sight paths. You can use this syntax to account for the curvature of signal paths due to refraction in the atmosphere.



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Create sample terrain data by using the peaks and georefcells functions.

Z = 500*peaks(100);
R = georefcells([-0.1 0],[0 0.1],size(Z));

Calculate the viewshed for a sample point that is 200 meters above the terrain.

latObs = -0.027;
lonObs = 0.05;
[vis,visR] = viewshed(Z,R,latObs,lonObs);

Display the viewshed as a surface on an axesm-based map. Plot the sample point so that it appears above the terrain.

axis tight

[row,col] = geographicToDiscrete(R,latObs,lonObs);
h = Z(row,col);

Adjust the colormap and lighting. Add a colorbar.

shading interp

cb = lcolorbar(["Obscured" "Visible"]);
cb.Position = [0.85 0.5 0.02 0.1];

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 contains 2 objects of type surface, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers Axes object 2 contains an object of type image.

Display the area that is visible by radar for an aircraft flying above the terrain. You can use the viewshed function to model radio wave propagation in the atmosphere as straight lines on a sphere.

Load terrain elevation data for an area around the Korean peninsula. To make the water areas appear consistent on the plot, set all elevations below sea level (korea5c<0) to the same value.

load korea5c
korea5c(korea5c<0) = -1;

Specify the location of the aircraft. Then, calculate visible areas for the aircraft, at 3000 meters above mean sea level, of the surface. Model radio propagation in the atmosphere by specifying an effective radius for the reference sphere.

latObs = 34.0931;
lonObs = 125.6578; 
hObs = 3000;
hTarget = 0;
rad = earthRadius;
[vis1,vis1R] = viewshed(korea5c,korea5cR,latObs,lonObs,hObs,hTarget,"MSL","AGL",rad,4/3*rad);

Set up a relief map for the area by adjusting the data aspect ratio, the plot box aspect ratio, and the lighting.

setm(gca,"geoid",[1 0])

da = daspect;
pba = pbaspect;
da(3) = 7.5*pba(3)/da(3);

material([0.25 0.8 0])

Display the terrain data, the viewshed, and the aircraft on the map. Adjust the colormap so that the visible areas appear in blue and the obscured areas appear in red. Note that some ocean areas are obscured by an island.

colormap([1 0 0; 0 0 1])

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 14 objects of type patch, surface, line, text. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Calculate the viewshed again, this time calculating visible areas for the aircraft at 3000 meters of other aircraft flying above it at 5000 meters. The visible area is larger, with some of the area obscured by the island and mountains.

hTarget = 5000;
[vis2,vis2R] = viewshed(korea5c,korea5cR,latObs,lonObs,hObs,hTarget,"MSL","MSL",rad,4/3*rad);
clmo surface

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 14 objects of type patch, line, surface, text. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Since R2024a

Calculate a viewshed using terrain from multiple adjacent terrain tiles by merging the tiles into one raster.

Read elevation data from two DTED files into the workspace. Merge the data by using the mergetiles function.

[Z1,R1] = readgeoraster("n39_w106_3arc_v2.dt1",OutputType="double");
[Z2,R2] = readgeoraster("n40_w106_3arc_v2.dt1",OutputType="double");
[Z,R] = mergetiles(Z1,R1,Z2,R2);

Specify the location of an observation point that is 100 meters above the terrain.

lat = 39.9597;
lon = -105.6883;
h = 100;

Calculate the viewshed for the observation point. The output indicates visible areas using 1 values and obscured areas using 0 values. To avoid plotting the obscured areas, replace the 0 values with NaN values.

v = viewshed(Z,R,lat,lon,h);

idx = (v == 0);
v(idx) = NaN;

Create a map of the region.


Display the elevation data as a surface. To make the elevation data appear beneath the viewshed, specify the surface heights using 0s and specify the surface colors using the elevations. Change the colormap.

zrs = zeros(R.RasterSize);
colormap gray

Display the viewshed as a blue surface.


Display the observation point using a yellow circle marker.

geoshow(lat,lon,ZData=h,DisplayType="point", ...

Add a labeled color bar.

c = colorbar;
c.Label.String = "Elevation (m)";

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 14 objects of type patch, surface, line, text. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

The elevation data used in this example is from the US Geological Survey.

Input Arguments

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Elevation data grid, in meters, specified as an m-by-n array.

Data Types: single | double

Spatial reference for Z, specified as a GeographicCellsReference or GeographicPostingsReference object. The RasterSize property of R must be consistent with size(Z).

Latitude of the observer, in degrees, specified as a scalar.

If the latitude is outside the latitude limits of R, then the viewshed function issues a warning and sets all elements of vis to 0. You can find the latitude limits of R by querying its LatitudeLimits property.

Data Types: single | double

Longitude of the observer, in degrees, specified as a scalar.

If the longitude is outside the latitude limits of R, then the viewshed function issues a warning and sets all elements of vis to 0. You can find the longitude limits of R by querying its LongitudeLimits property.

Data Types: single | double

Height of the observer, in meters, specified as a scalar.

Data Types: single | double

Height of the target points, in meters, specified as a scalar.

Data Types: single | double

Height reference for the observer, specified as one of these options:

  • "AGL" — Reference hObs to the terrain (ground level).

  • "MSL" — Reference hObs to the sphere (mean sea level).

Data Types: char | string

Height reference for the target points, specified as one of these options:

  • "AGL" — Reference the target points to the terrain (ground level).

  • "MSL" — Reference the target points to the sphere (mean sea level).

Data Types: char | string

Radius of the reference sphere in meters, specified as a positive scalar.

Data Types: single | double

Effective radius of the reference sphere in meters, specified as a positive scalar.

This argument enables you to account for the curvature of signal paths due to refraction in the atmosphere. For example, you can treat radio propagation in the atmosphere as straight-line propagation on a sphere with 4/3 the radius of the Earth by specifying rad as 6371000 and effectiveRad as 4/3*6371000.

To calculate line-of-sight visibility for a flat Earth, specify this argument as Inf.

If you do not specify this argument, then the function uses the value of rad.

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

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Visibility indicator, returned as an m-by-n array containing 0 and 1 values. The size of vis matches the size of Z.

  • A value of 1 indicates that the observer has line-of-sight visibility with the target point.

  • A value of 0 indicates that the line of sight between the observer and the target point is obscured by terrain.

Spatial reference for vis, returned as a GeographicCellsReference or GeographicPostingsReference object.

The output visR is equivalent to the input R.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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