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Shift X- and Y-Coordinate Range of Displayed Image

This example shows how to specify a nondefault world coordinate system by changing the XData and YData properties of a displayed image.

Read an image.

I = imread("peppers.png");

Display the image using the intrinsic coordinate system, returning properties of the image in ax. Turn on the axis to display the coordinate system.

ax = imshow(I);
title("Image Displayed with Intrinsic Coordinates")
axis on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Image Displayed with Intrinsic Coordinates contains an object of type image.

Check the range of the x- and y-coordinates, which are stored in the XData and YData properties of ax. The ranges match the dimensions of the image.

xrange = ax.XData
xrange = 1×2

     1   512

yrange = ax.YData
yrange = 1×2

     1   384

Change the range of the x- and y-coordinates. This example shifts the image to the right by adding 100 to the x-coordinates and shifts the image up by subtracting 25 from the y-coordinates.

xrangeNew = xrange + 100;
yrangeNew = yrange - 25;

Display the image, specifying the shifted spatial coordinates.

axNew = imshow(I,"XData",xrangeNew,"YData",yrangeNew);
title("Image Displayed with Nondefault Coordinates");
axis on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Image Displayed with Nondefault Coordinates contains an object of type image.

Confirm that the ranges of the x- and y-coordinates of the new image match the shifted ranges specified by xrangeNew and yrangeNew.

ans = 1×2

   101   612

ans = 1×2

   -24   359

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