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Choose synthesis tool

Generation of synthesis scripts

Model Configuration Pane: EDA Tool Scripts


Enable or disable generation of synthesis scripts, and select the synthesis tool for which HDL Coder™ generates scripts.


None (default) | Xilinx Vivado | Xilinx ISE | Microchip Libero | Mentor Graphics Precision | Altera Quartus II | Synopsys Synplify Pro | Custom

Default: None


When you select None, HDL Coder does not generate a synthesis script. The coder clears and disables the fields in the Synthesis script pane.

Xilinx ISE

Generate a synthesis script for Xilinx® ISE. When you select this option, the coder:

  • Enables the fields in the Synthesis script pane.

  • Sets Synthesis file postfix to _ise.tcl

  • Fills in the Synthesis initialization, Synthesis command and Synthesis termination fields with TCL script code for the tool.

Microchip Libero

Generate a synthesis script for Microchip Libero®. When you select this option, the coder:

  • Enables the fields in the Synthesis script pane.

  • Sets Synthesis file postfix to _libero.tcl

  • Fills in the Synthesis initialization, Synthesis command and Synthesis termination fields with TCL script code for the tool.

Mentor Graphics Precision

Generate a synthesis script for Mentor Graphics® Precision. When you select this option, the coder:

  • Enables the fields in the Synthesis script pane.

  • Sets Synthesis file postfix to _precision.tcl

  • Fills in the Synthesis initialization, Synthesis command and Synthesis termination fields with TCL script code for the tool.

Altera Quartus II

Generate a synthesis script for Altera® Quartus® II. When you select this option, the coder:

  • Enables the fields in the Synthesis script pane.

  • Sets Synthesis file postfix to _quartus.tcl

  • Fills in the Synthesis initialization, Synthesis command and Synthesis termination fields with TCL script code for the tool.

Synopsys Synplify Pro

Generate a synthesis script for Synopsys® Synplify Pro®. When you select this option, the coder:

  • Enables the fields in the Synthesis script pane.

  • Sets Synthesis file postfix to _synplify.tcl

  • Fills in the Synthesis initialization, Synthesis command and Synthesis termination fields with TCL script code for the tool.

Xilinx Vivado

Generate a synthesis script for Xilinx Vivado®. When you select this option, the coder:

  • Enables the fields in the Synthesis script pane.

  • Sets Synthesis file postfix to _vivado.tcl

  • Fills in the Synthesis initialization, Synthesis command and Synthesis termination fields with TCL script code for the tool.


Generate a custom synthesis script. When you select this option, the coder:

  • Enables the fields in the Synthesis script pane.

  • Sets Synthesis file postfix to _custom.tcl

  • Fills in the Synthesis initialization, Synthesis command and Synthesis termination fields with example TCL script code.


To set this property, use the functions hdlset_param or makehdl. To view the property value, use the function hdlget_param.

Recommended Settings

No recommended settings.

Programmatic Use

Property: HDLSynthTool
Type: character vector
Value: 'None' | 'ISE' | 'Libero' | 'Precision' | 'Quartus' | 'Synplify' | 'Vivado' | 'Custom'
Default: 'None'

Version History

Introduced in R2012a

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