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Sensor Models


Model various sensors, including: IMU (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer), GPS receivers, altimeters, radar, lidar, sonar, and IR. You can mimic environmental, channel, and sensor configurations by modifying parameters of the sensor models. For active sensors, you can also model the corresponding emitters and channels as separate objects.


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altimeterSensorAltimeter simulation model
gpsSensorGPS receiver simulation model
imuSensorIMU simulation model
accelparamsAccelerometer sensor parameters
gyroparamsGyroscope sensor parameters
magparamsMagnetometer sensor parameters
accelcalCalibration parameters for accelerometer (Since R2023b)
allanvarAllan variance
magcalMagnetometer calibration coefficients
fractalcoefFilter coefficients for fractal noise generation (Since R2023b)
transformMotionCompute motion quantities between two relatively fixed frames (Since R2020a)
gravitydirGravity direction vector for given orientation (Since R2023b)
linaccelLinear acceleration from accelerometer reading (Since R2023b)
tiltTilt angle (Since R2023b)
compassAngleNavigational heading relative to north (Since R2023b)
irSensorGenerate infrared detections for tracking scenario
irSignatureInfrared platform signature
insSensorInertial navigation system and GNSS/GPS simulation model
fusionRadarSensorGenerate detections or track reports (Since R2021a)
radarChannelFree space propagation and reflection of radar signals
radarEmissionEmitted radar signal structure
radarEmitterRadar signals and interferences generator
rcsSignatureRadar cross-section pattern
monostaticLidarSensorSimulate and model lidar point cloud generator (Since R2020b)
extendedObjectMeshMesh representation of extended object (Since R2020b)
tracking.scenario.airplaneMeshMesh representation of airplane (Since R2020b)
sonarEmissionEmitted sonar signal structure
sonarEmitterAcoustic signals and interferences generator
sonarSensorGenerate detections from sonar emissions
tsSignatureTarget strength pattern
underwaterChannelPropagated and reflected sonar signals
adsbCategoryEnumeration of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast categories (Since R2021a)
adsbTransponderAutomatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) transponder (Since R2021a)
adsbReceiverAutomatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) receiver (Since R2021a)


Fusion Radar SensorGenerate radar sensor detections and tracks (Since R2022b)
GPSSimulate GPS sensor readings with noise (Since R2021b)
IMUIMU simulation model (Since R2020a)
INSSimulate INS sensor (Since R2020b)


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