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Get Started with Euro NCAP Test Suite

The Automated Driving Toolbox™ Test Suite for Euro NCAP® Protocols support package enables you to automatically generate a seed scenario and its variants for the safety assessment of various Euro NCAP® test applications. These applications include:

  • Safety Assist (SA) Tests — These tests support driver safety measures for avoiding accidents in such situations as autonomous emergency braking (AEB) car-to-car scenarios, and while using lane keep assist (LKA) and emergency lane keeping (ELK) systems.

  • Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Protection Tests — These tests address the protection of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists in situations such as AEB car-to-pedestrian, car-to-cyclist, and car-to-motorcyclist scenarios.

You can create seed scenarios for these Euro NCAP test applications, and then create variant scenarios by varying the scene and actor parameters of the seed scenarios. Using these generated variant scenarios, you can perform exhaustive safety assessments of various automated driving applications. The support package provides examples to test these applications in accordance with European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP) test protocols.

The process of generating and testing Euro NCAP scenario variants involves these steps:

  1. Generate scenario specifications and a seed scenario for the Euro NCAP test.

  2. Vary the Euro NCAP seed scenario parameters.

  3. Generate scenario variants using the varied parameters.

  4. Run a Euro NCAP test bench to simulate the variants, and assess the test metrics.

Workflow to generate Euro NCAP test specifications, seed scenario and its variants.

Generate Euro NCAP Test Specifications

To generate scenario variants, you must first create a seed scenario. You can generate a seed scenario descriptor for a Euro NCAP test by using the ncapScenario function. To generate seed and variant scenario specifications for a Euro NCAP test, use the ncapSpec function. For a list of supported Euro NCAP tests, see Euro NCAP Test Scenario Information. You can also generate a seed scenario descriptor from tabular data containing scene, actor, and event specifications by using the table2scenario function. For more information, see the Generate RoadRunner Scenario Using Tabular Data for AEB Car-to-Car Testing example.

You can create a seed scenario by using a drivingScenario object. For more information, see Create Driving Scenario Programmatically. Alternatively, you can use prebuilt scenarios representing Euro NCAP test protocols. For more information, see Euro NCAP Driving Scenarios in Driving Scenario Designer. Alternatively, you can use a scenario in RoadRunner Scenario as a seed scenario for creating scenario variants. For more information, see the Create Scenario Descriptor from RoadRunner Scenario example. Use the getScenarioDescriptor function to generate a scenario descriptor for a seed scenario created from a drivingScenario object or RoadRunner scenario.

Vary Euro NCAP Scenario Parameters

To generate Euro NCAP scenario variants, you must modify the actor and collision properties of the seed scenario per Euro NCAP protocol. You can generate such Euro NCAP scenario specifications by using the ncapSpec function, which you can use to vary scene and actor parameters.

You can use the identifyActorOfInterest function to identify ego and target actor IDs in a seed scenario descriptor.

If two actors in the seed scenario collide, you can extract the collision information stored in the ScenarioDescriptor object by using the getCollisionData function.

Create a variationProperties object to store new values for the actor and collision properties.

  • Use the varyActorProperties object function to specify new values for actor properties such as dimensions, waypoints, speed, and yaw. To specify waypoints for performing lane change and lane drift, you can generate new waypoint values by using the generateWaypoints function.

  • Use the varyCollisionProperties object function to specify new values for the collision sides and collision points.

  • Use the varySceneProperties object function to specify new values for scene properties such as lane width, lane type, lane marking, lane marking color, lane marking width, and lane marking side.

  • Use the varyTestProperties object function to specify new values for the Euro NCAP test bench properties such as start test time, end test time, and handover time.

You can also specify variation properties as tables in Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheets to generate scenario variants. For more information, see the Generate Scenario Variants Using Excel Spreadsheets example.

For information about how to perform parameter variations, see the Generate Scenario Variants for Testing AEB Pedestrian Systems example.

Generate Scenario Variants

You can use the parameters extracted from the seed scenario and the specified variation properties to generate scenario variants.

Use the generateVariants function to modify the actor and collision parameters of the seed scenario with the variant values. The generateVariants function returns ScenarioDescriptor object variants that contain the modified parameters.

The generateVariants function automatically computes the required constraints to generate the ScenarioDescriptor object variants. For example, if you want to reduce the speed of an actor, but keep the collision point constant, the generateVariants function can compute the required wait time for the actor to maintain the collision point at its reduced speed.

After generating the ScenarioDescriptor object variants, obtain the scenario variants by using the getScenario function. This function constructs the scenario from the parameters stored in a ScenarioDescriptor object and returns the scenario as a drivingScenario object or a RoadRunner ScenarioSimulation object.

You can visualize the generated variants, or export the generated variants to the ASAM OpenSCENARIO® file format. For more information, see the Generate Variants of ACC Target Cut-In Scenario example.

Run Euro NCAP Test Bench

After obtaining the scenario variants, use the Euro NCAP AEB test bench to simulate the scenarios and log signals for metric assessment. This test bench is compatible with Euro NCAP Safety Assist Test AEB Car-to-Car RoadRunner scenarios.

For more information on the AEB test bench and to simulate it for a Euro NCAP scenario, see the AEB Test Bench for Euro NCAP Scenarios example.

Euro NCAP AEB RoadRunner test bench.

For more information on how to execute tests, and analyze and visualize the metrics across all Euro NCAP Safety Assist Tests for AEB Car-to-Car scenarios, see the AEB Euro NCAP Testing with RoadRunner Scenario example.

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