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Unpack projected layers of neural network

Since R2023b


    netUnpacked = unpackProjectedLayers(net) replaces the layers of type ProjectedLayer with the corresponding network that represents the projection.


    collapse all

    Load the pretrained network in dlnetProjectedJapaneseVowels.

    load dlnetProjectedJapaneseVowels

    View the network properties.

    net = 
      dlnetwork with properties:
             Layers: [4x1 nnet.cnn.layer.Layer]
        Connections: [3x2 table]
         Learnables: [9x3 table]
              State: [2x3 table]
         InputNames: {'sequenceinput'}
        OutputNames: {'softmax'}
        Initialized: 1
      View summary with summary.

    View the network layers. The network has two projected layers.

    ans = 
      4x1 Layer array with layers:
         1   'sequenceinput'   Sequence Input    Sequence input with 12 dimensions
         2   'lstm'            Projected Layer   Projected LSTM with 100 hidden units
         3   'fc'              Projected Layer   Projected fully connected layer with output size 9
         4   'softmax'         Softmax           softmax

    Unpack the projected layers.

    netUnpacked = unpackProjectedLayers(net)
    netUnpacked = 
      dlnetwork with properties:
             Layers: [5x1 nnet.cnn.layer.Layer]
        Connections: [4x2 table]
         Learnables: [9x3 table]
              State: [2x3 table]
         InputNames: {'sequenceinput'}
        OutputNames: {'softmax'}
        Initialized: 1
      View summary with summary.

    View the unpacked network layers. The unpacked network has a projected LSTM layer and two fully connected layers in place of the projected layers.

    ans = 
      5x1 Layer array with layers:
         1   'sequenceinput'   Sequence Input    Sequence input with 12 dimensions
         2   'lstm'            Projected LSTM    Projected LSTM layer with 100 hidden units, an output projector size of 7, and an input projector size of 8
         3   'fc_proj_in'      Fully Connected   4 fully connected layer
         4   'fc_proj_out'     Fully Connected   9 fully connected layer
         5   'softmax'         Softmax           softmax

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Neural network, specified as a dlnetwork object.

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Unpacked neural network, returned as a dlnetwork object.


    • Code generation does not support ProjectedLayer objects. To replace ProjectedLayer objects in a neural network with the equivalent neural network that represents the projection, use the unpackProjectedLayers function or set the UnpackProjectedLayers option of the compressNetworkUsingProjection function to 1 (true).

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b

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