
Josiah Renfree


Last seen: fast 4 Jahre vor Aktiv seit 2007

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I'm an acoustic engineer living in San Diego, CA. I work at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, which is a part of NOAA, developing methods and techniques using sound to identify and enumerate fish populations.
Professional Interests: signal processing, oceanography, finance, stocks, options


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hist_stock_data(start_date, end_date, varargin)
Used to retrieve historical stock data for a user-specified date range

fast 4 Jahre vor | 43 Downloads |


getDepth(latitude, longitude)
Obtain seabed depth at any location using high-resolution GMRT database

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 4 Downloads |


Distance calculation using Haversine formula
Compute the distance between two locations using the Haversine formula

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 12 Downloads |


Historical Volatility
Calculates the annualized historical volatility for a stock over the previous N trading days.

mehr als 14 Jahre vor | 2 Downloads |


RSI calculator
Calculate the RSI for a stock over any time range for any given period

mehr als 16 Jahre vor | 4 Downloads |


Convert time to Windows NT format
Used to convert a time vector into the time format used by Windows NT. This is the number of 100-ns

fast 18 Jahre vor | 3 Downloads |