
Christopher Stapels


Last seen: Today Aktiv seit 2016

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data stops after 6-7 transmissions
I recomend using the ThingSpeak library - it takes care of much of the network connectivity for you. Are you sure its not one o...

ein Tag vor | 1


String Logic 19
Examples: 'DIG' --> 'I' 'IMPORTANT' --> 'MOTN' 'DEAL' --> 'EL' 'LIMB' --> 'IB' 'MOSTLY' --> 'OTY'

23 Tage vor


Binary numbers
Given a positive, scalar integer n, create a (2^n)-by-n double-precision matrix containing the binary numbers from 0 through 2^n...

23 Tage vor


Find out sum and carry of Binary adder
Find out sum and carry of a binary adder if previous carry is given with two bits (x and y) for addition. Examples Previo...

23 Tage vor


Convert given decimal number to binary number.
Convert given decimal number to binary number. Example x=10, then answer must be 1010.

23 Tage vor


Create a cell array out of a struct
Create a cell array out of a (single) struct with the fieldname in the first column and the value in the second column: in: ...

24 Tage vor

Can't send data from ChirpStack to TS
You don't seem to have included any data, at least in what you have shown above. If you are including data and you see the numb...

25 Tage vor | 0

401 error code when trying to bulk-write to Thingspeak using AT-COMMAND
The bulk endpoint requires a somewhat complex syntax. Check out the bulk JSON update page here. You aren't providing all the c...

25 Tage vor | 0

Error sending data to ThingSpeak - Data Intervals??
Generally I'd look at the code. ThingSpeak will only reject your data if you send it too fast or format it wrong, but it seems ...

26 Tage vor | 0

How do I display all the data, not just the last 30 minutes or so
You can use the pencil icon in the upper right of the standard field plots on your ThingSpeak channel to show more data, assumin...

etwa 2 Monate vor | 1

| akzeptiert

The write channel is same as read channel data. Why the data is not processed?
a = 1:5 for i = 1: length(a) out = i * a(i) end If you read more then one value from your channel at a time, then length...

2 Monate vor | 0

Buenas noches, tengo error -301
The 301 error means the library is not able to find a connection that works. Either your conenction parameters are incorrect, or...

2 Monate vor | 0

Thingspeak HTTP eror code: -210
You can send data to multiple fields in a single post by adding &fieldx=number to the end of the api call or the mqtt payload. ...

2 Monate vor | 1

No longer seeing data from sim800l and pic18f4525
No change in the API. My guess is connectivity. Try moving the device to a new location.

2 Monate vor | 0

MATLAB code has not completed execution within the allocated time. Consider optimizing your MATLAB code to execute within the available time limit.
I suggest using thingSpeakRead and the Alerts service. Your code will preform much faster and you wont have these errors.

3 Monate vor | 1

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The write channel is same as read channel data. Why the data is not processed?
length(values1) is 1 so i is 1, and Y1(i) = i * values1(i); just multiplies your value by 1. Perhaps you want to read more tha...

3 Monate vor | 1

| akzeptiert

Not connecting to thingspeak
Start with the getting started tutorial. Then make sure you can update your channel via the browser. Then try to update a st...

3 Monate vor | 0

Public views requires login
Thanks for reporting this issue. We have a fix in progress, but in the meantime please try the following workaround: Go to the...

3 Monate vor | 1

Send more than one value in Field 1. Buffer of values.
We definitely need to change he way you are sending data to ThingSpeak. (I would clear the data and start over) Do you intend t...

3 Monate vor | 0

Wo kann ich die kostenlose Lizenz erwerben?
You do not need to purchase anything to use the free version of ThingSpeak. If you are intending to use it for commercial purpos...

3 Monate vor | 1

Send more than one value in Field 1. Buffer of values.
ThingSpeak cannot parse the data you have in your field since it has string characters in it. MATLAB can though. First you nee...

3 Monate vor | 0

Please follow this post.

3 Monate vor | 0

Sending a danger message on email or phone Number.
Sure, there are several ways to do that using ThingSpeak. The best way is using the alerts API. Jsut set up the alert in Thing...

4 Monate vor | 0

Sometimes updates temp others humidity
Yes you can send in one command. See the library examples on write multiple fields. Your code is violating the 15 second rule be...

4 Monate vor | 0

How to use Fronius HTTP Post push service to send data to thingspeak
A quick web search does not show great documentation for Fronius push service, but I did find some things. I would use http. U...

4 Monate vor | 0

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I want to send my ultrasonic sensor data on thing speak through arduino programming using esp32 microcontroller . but it is not sending the data on thingspeak.
Please try writing using the browser once so there is at least some data in your channel. See the api keys tab of your channel ...

4 Monate vor | 0

Im not able to csv file into the cloud.Each time I get a timestamp error. I have tried all the format thats given on the site. But each time I get "no rows imported"
Your file has a bunch of extra commas at the end, ThingSpeak is seeing these as several entries with the same timestamp. Remov...

4 Monate vor | 0

pack more information into a single field
Fo the concepts, I really reccomend some time with the documentation. I would suggest you use multiple channels, this will ma...

5 Monate vor | 0

Can the React App trigger 2 thinghttp requests simultaneously?
Use React to trigger MATLAB analysis, then you can write many actions in the code. webwrite and webread should let you intereact...

5 Monate vor | 1

Sending all fields data with Mqtt
Yes, there is a multiple field syntax. See the publish to channel field doc. In the Payload pane, use the following settings...

5 Monate vor | 0

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