of 297.016
4 Fragen
41 Antworten
132 of 20.419
17 Dateien
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0 Highlights
Does imread read subsets from cloud-optimized geotiffs
Hi, cloud-optimized geotiff (COG) is a format to work with spatial raster data in the cloud ( I am curr...
mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0
AntwortPlot line with points at given distance
Since you are working with TopoToolbox, you might want to use the function getlocation. If you have a STREAMobj S, then you can ...
fast 3 Jahre vor | 0
| akzeptiert
Inverse distance weighting based on direction
Hi Christian, interesting question. First of all, if you follow the IDW-approach, you might save a lot of computing time using ...
fast 3 Jahre vor | 0
| akzeptiert
Fit Gaussian mixture model with weighted observations
Hi everyone, looking at the help of fitgmdist, I cannot see that there is the possibility to weight observations. Is there a rea...
etwa 5 Jahre vor | 3 Antworten | 0
Antworten2D gaussian filter with a variable sigma
Hi Chad, below is some code that does the trick using nlfilter. To be more efficient, I created a look-up table with a finite s...
fast 6 Jahre vor | 0
What makes a Toolbox a Toolbox, and how is it recognized by Matlab?
Hi Chad, the trick is to have a Contents.m-file in the main folder of your toolbox. In TopoToolbox, the file starts with T...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
Customized icons in workspace
Hi all, I have written a couple of MATLAB classes and, as icing on the cake, I'd like to have customized icons in the worksp...
fast 11 Jahre vor | 0 Antworten | 1
Antwortentotal number of elements which are not zero
Hi, what about: B = sum(Percey~=0,2); Regards, W.
mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0
| akzeptiert
How can I perform a comparison function (of surrounding pixels) on a DEM using a starting pixel?
Hi, you might be interested in using the function ixneighbors available on the FEX which might make life a little easier for ...
mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0
Connected graph given adjacency matrix
You can use the function dmperm to see if a graph consists of one or several connected components. E.g. see the example here <h...
mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0
| akzeptiert
path elevation profile
Hi, if you have the image processing toolbox, the function improfile should do what you ask for. <
etwa 13 Jahre vor | 0
plotting more data from large data
Hi doc gscatter hope this helps. Regards, W.
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0
What does +(A>0) do?
I often do this to convert a logical matrix to double. However, I just tried and realized that this is slower than A = double(A>...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1
error using imsubtract
Hi Megah, apparently both variables don't have the same class. Try image3 = imsubtract(im2double(image1),im2double(BWfinal)...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0
Calculate the indirect distance between two points
Bahare, you might find this contribution interesting: <
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0
Ordered connected components
Hi Dustin, I don't have MATLAB at hand right now, so I cannot try, but I think bwboundaries should solve your problem. [...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0
Graph analysis question
I just tried your example. While results of a kmeans clustering don't look too promising, the function clusterdata works quite w...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0
Overlay digital elevation model on hillshade
Hi Ajay, you might want to check TopoToolbox, which includes such a function. <> ...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0
Count black and white pixels on a image
How about using *blockproc* to get the number of white pixels (in case you have the image processing toolbox)? A = full(spran...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1
Keeping k largest values in each column of a sparse matrix
Hi everyone, I am trying to implement an algorithm that involves a pruning of a large sparse matrix. The pruning scheme shoul...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0
Antwortdata correction
Hi, you can identify the NaNs using the function isnan. I = isnan(dem); % where dem is the digital elevation model The inpa...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0
Problem on fuzzy inference calculations ..
Hi, the error message says all: The first input must be a defined DOUBLE matrix Is the variable input in double format? ...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1
| akzeptiert
finding neighbor of a position
Hi, you might find this function useful. <> ...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1
Connect bwlabeled components
I'd start with using the function bwlabeln to label the connected components in the 3d. This, however, requires them to never ov...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0
straighten curved Image
This is not trivial and I think you should show what you have done so far. If you haven't really started yet, you may want to lo...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0
correlation coefficient
Hi, doc corrcoef Best regards, W.
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1
| akzeptiert
how to draw a grid in MATLAB???
Hi, take a look at Steve's blog, where he describes how to generate a pixel grid. Perhaps, this is what you want. <http://...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1
To my knowlegde there is no comprehensive geostatistical software written in Matlab. I would always use packages such gstat or g...
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 2
How to plot a 2D vector-field and exclude zero-vectors (dots) in the graph?
How about: I = ~(T(:,3)==0 & T(:,4)==0); quiver(T(I,1),T(I,2),T(I,3),T(I,4)); cheers, Wolfgang
mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 2
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