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How to Create a Static Legend for a Dynamic Axes
Try setting the XData/YData/ZData properties of the plots rather than calling 'plot'/'plot3' each time in the loop. For example:...
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1
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Image Analysis on stars/streaks in sky
Try < Principal Component Analysis> and the width should be proportion...
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
Houghlines output does not match rho theta?
Use 'cosd' and 'sind' instead of 'cos' and 'sin', respectively, in your code.
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 2
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Usefulness of "organized point cloud"
Quoted from < PCL> " _An organized point cloud dataset is ...
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
timeseries array into bps stream
You may consider using a < Level-2 MATLAB S-F...
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
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imfreehand cursor doesn't match selection
Try putting a 'drawnow' command before the 'imfreehand' call: drawnow coords = getPosition(imfreehand('Closed',0));
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
ST Nucleo detection error Simulink
Will the following steps help? 1. Open the MATLAB version with the support package. 2. In the MATLAB command line, run the...
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
Most convenient way to access variable typed input signal
Consider using 'ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous' to require signal elements entering a port to be contiguous and then you might...
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
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Simulink SPI comunication beaglebone black
Unfortunately, at this time Simulink does not have blocks for SPI built in to the Simulink Embedded Coder support package for th...
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1
MATLAB Simulink errors: can not save, hangs on analoginput insertion, stateflow initializaiton failed
You might need to talk to your license administrator to renew the license for Simulink, Stateflow, and Data Acquisition Toolbox....
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
How to generate Hierarchical C codes using Embedded coder?
Make each block a model reference and in the generated code, each model reference block should have their own .h/c files.
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
plot the Error without phase shift
Error magnitude (pic4) seems consistent with the aligned plot (pic3). For precise synchronization, you need a time stamp for ...
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
Iterating through library of text files (for use with Matlab CODER)
Try changing for file = lib_files' to for i = 1:numel(lib_files) file = lib_files(i);
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
Simulink Desktop Real-Time advices
You might need Simulink Coder for external mode execution. <
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
Can we write a Matlab script to automatically draw and position super transitions.?
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1
using kinect xbox one camera
First of all, "vid.FramesAcquired<=500" stops when 500 frames are acquired, not 100. FrameGrabInterval only controls how many fr...
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1
Position based image stitching
Declare an image with the final size and register each of the four images according to your layout to the final image.
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
How do I know what is the problem with "stereoParams" output from Stereo Calibration Tool ? The output of rectifyStereoImages are black images
Make sure that 'frameLeftRect' and 'frameRightRect' are expected rectified images and 'imshow'able separately. Also, make sure t...
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
How to know which input will switch block pass programmatically?
Try reading the second input port value to decide whether the condition is met: <
mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0
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Viewer\Scope\layout problem with 2017a
You need to connect/disconnect the signal to/from the display(s) of the Scope Viewer. Right click the blue Scope Viewer icon on ...
fast 8 Jahre vor | 1
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Simscape Matrix input for lookuptable from file or workspace
Which lookup table block are you referring to? Normally, you just need to put the name of the matrix in the block's parameter di...
fast 8 Jahre vor | 0
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Viewer\Scope\layout problem with 2017a
It is working well on my R2017a. Do you have an example model showing this problem?
fast 8 Jahre vor | 0
How can I put some specific pages in landscape view in my report generated with the simulink report generator tool ?
1. Follow this page to create a custom Direct PDF (DOM) template from the "Default PDF Template". <
fast 8 Jahre vor | 1
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Data Transfer via UDP between Simulink and X Plane
Assuming you are using the < UDP Receive block> from the Instrument Con...
fast 8 Jahre vor | 0
How to find "Index exceeds matrix dimensions" error in Simulink
By MATLAB v. 15, I assume you meant R2006a. Can you try the model in a recent release, e.g., R2017a? In the newer version, there...
fast 8 Jahre vor | 0
How can I insert an object for my joystick to avoid?
By adding obstacles to the interface I assume you meant adding objects into the 3D world. In that case, you can only do it manua...
fast 8 Jahre vor | 0
How can I set a callback for mouse clicks on an image?
Replacing the following line image(A); with the following lines im = image(A); im.ButtonDownFcn = @axes1_ButtonDow...
fast 8 Jahre vor | 1
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TX/RX Pulses using frame based processing with USRP radio in Simulink?
Can you use the product of the Pulse block and the Sine Wave block?
fast 8 Jahre vor | 0
Explanation of "The BIT input is out of range for the datatype specified"
This is a very generic error indicating that the data is out of the specified range. Can you try reducing the model and identify...
fast 8 Jahre vor | 0
how to correlate 3D volume images (spatial 3d matrix correlation)
Can you explain more about what you referred to as the correlation map in the code? The 'corr3D_1' variable? Is the center el...
fast 8 Jahre vor | 0