Ankit Bhardwaj


Aktiv seit 2017

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Application Support Engineer


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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
  • First Answer

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How can I change the active variant subsystem before simulation starts?
There can be multiple ways to solve this issue. 1. Create an empty subsystem at the top level with an openFcn callback with t...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

Step Response on linear analysis tool is scaled differently from simulink scope
One cause for this issue might be the incorrect usage of Linear Analysis Points. Please keep in mind that using "Open-loop Input...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

ALTERA DE0-NANO Board Support for HDL Coder
The Altera DEO-NANO board is not yet supported. However, you can can still add this board as a custom board and use it. Please r...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

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Camera Calibrator app rotation matrix?
The rotation matrix together with the translation vector allows you to transform points from the world coordinate to the camera ...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

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Best method of gathering varying amounts of user data via dialog boxes?
You can use a uitable. You can define a push button callback which increases the size of your table by one every time the button...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 1

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determine if the mouse is pressed in a given moment
You can use ButtonDownFcn callback for your figure. This callback executes whenever the user clicks a mouse button while the poi...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

How do you plot an elevation line across a mesh dataset?
There can be multiple ways to do this. 1. You can use 'find' function to find the indices when yi has a constant value (e.g. ...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

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voicebox melcepst function help
If you are referring to the melcepst.m function from File Exchange, please get in touch with the author of this function. htt...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

How to fill in broken circles
You can start with the following example on detecting and measuring circular objects in an image.

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

How to have several plots with decreasing data in x direction for each plots
Assuming you have the following data. >> X1=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; >> Y1=2*X1; >> X2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; >> Y2 =...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

Surface plot to CAD model
Please go through the following article. ...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 1

How to use a trained neural network in matlab??
Without knowing your custom neural network model, it is not possible for us to understand how it can be used to train new data...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

Matlab coder with bwboundries
According to the following documentation, code generation for 'bwboundaries' function requires 'conn' and 'options' (i.e. 2nd an...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0