
Paul Kane

Last seen: etwa 4 Jahre vor Aktiv seit 2019

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App Designer extremely slow to save and run
Thank you for your response. My company does not yet have a license for 2020a, but I was able to upgrade as far as 2019a. My pro...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

App Designer extremely slow to save and run
I have an App with > 1500 lines of code in R2018b and App Designer has become unusable due to this save problem. Love the concep...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 2

My MATLAB keeps reading old .mat files as uint32 even though it ain't, why is it and how can I fix this?
If you wrote the app, open it in AppDesigner and run it. Back at the Matlab command window, you can now load your mat file and v...

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 1